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Pt. 1
(Outfit on the left is "fancy", outfit on right is "casual")
May 14, 5:30am
Y/N's Birthday (sorry if this isn't ur actual birthday)
"Y/n! Wake up!" Mark yelled
Why the hell is Mark in my room? Y/n thought to herself
"Common! Get the fuck up! It's your birthday!" Ethan yelled

    Y/n rolled over and opened her eyes to see Mark, Ethan, Amy, Kathryn and Tyler standing there on one side of her bed. She flipped them off and rolled the other way. Ethan started to shake Y/n, Y/n rolled away, eventually she had fallen off the bed.
"Fuck you guys!" Y/n yelled
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The crew yelled as they all pulled confetti poppers.
"You want help up?" Ethan asked, he was smiling like he was excited for something.
"No shit" Y/n said taking Ethan's hand as an offer. Ethan pulled her up so she was standing.
"What time is it?" She asked
"5:40" Mark said
"Why the hell am I up this early?!" Y/N screamed
"Because, it's a surprise..." Ethan said
"Hey be happy, your not a teenager anymore, I can't call you Angsty Teen anymore!" Mark exclaimed trying lo to lighten the mood of Y/n being pissed off about the time.
"Well we should leave you to get dressed, meet us downstairs" Mark told me, Y/n nodded and everyone walked out of her room. Everything was covered in glitter and confetti.

Y/n walked over to her dresser, she put on a shirt that said "the ocean made me salty" and light blue jean shorts. She then put on galaxy shoes and she walked out of the room and downstairs. She was greeted by everyone standing there and about to walk out of the door. They took 2 separate cars, Amy's car and Tyler's car. Mark and Kathryn went with Amy, Ethan and Y/n went with Tyler.
"Can you just tell me where we're going?" Y/n pressured and answer from Ethan
"I'm not gonna tell you!" Ethan resisted
"Can you give me a hint?" Y/n pushed
"Breakfast" Ethan kinda gave in
"Whatever" Y/n rolled her eyes
"What! I gave you a hint" Ethan exclaimed
    Both cars arrived at the breakfast place at the same time. Y/n looked out the window and saw the iHop building standing in front of the car. Everyone got out of the car and headed in. They waited for a few minutes and then everyone but Mark headed to the table, Mark stayed at the place where you'd check in. Once the waitress got back to the check in area Mark talked.
"Hey, it's my little sisters birthday today. Can we have some of the waitresses or waiters sing happy birthday as loud as possible to her before we leave?" Mark asked.
Y/n watched them talk, the waitress nodded as Mark walked back.
"What was that about?" Y/n asked
"Nothing, just an old friend" Mark made up an excuse to cover up the plan.

The whole group new what Mark had talked to the waitress about, everyone except for Y/n. Everyone order ignoring what just happened.
Once the food had gotten to the table everyone started to eat. Y/n was the only one without food in front of her. She waited for a few minutes after the food was delivered, the waitress was back. But she didn't have the food that Y/n ordered, she had cake. The waitress placed the cake on the table and then called over to other waiters/waitresses. They counted to 3 and started to sing happy birthday. Mark and the others joined along with them. They finished singing
"Are you 1, are ya' 2, are ya' 3" they started to say
"I'm fucking 20!" Y/n yelled out
"Just take all the fun out of it..." Ethan muttered
"Fuck off" Y/n whispered to him
"You guys had to make the biggest scene ever didn't you" Y/n complained
"The day's just getting started" Mark said

     Both cars pulled into the parking lot of a building. There was a sign on the building that said "L.A. Escape rooms", Mark and the group had planned for them to do 3 escape rooms in a row, this was gonna take 3 hours. Mark started to walk over to the car that Y/n was in
"Put this on" Mark said handing Y/n a blind fold
"Why?" Y/n said being stubborn
"Just do it"
    Y/n put the blind fold around her head, she couldn't see anything
"I'm blind!!!" She screamed
"You have a blind fold on, you're not actually blind" Ethan pointed out
"No shit!" She yelled

     Everyone headed into the building, as soon as they were inside at the desk Mark took off Y/n's blind fold. Y/n looked around and saw the same sign The was outside but this sign was inside.
"Why would you bring me to an escape room! I hate puzzles!" Y/n exclaimed.
Mark checked them in and they headed into the first room.

    The room was themed in a certain era, the 1920's.
"What the hell is this? Escape The Night?! No one better not die!" Y/n yelled
"You watched Joey Graceffa's show that I wasn't on, but you don't watch Felix's show that I was on?" Mark asked
"Ya, I'll get to Scare PewDiePie later" Y/n said.

So this chapter has 2 parts, the second part to this chapter will be out tonight or tomorrow morning. Also, sorry for the long wait on this chapter. Thank you guys for all the votes and support I've been getting! We're officially entered in the Watty's! So keep up with the voting and look out for that new chapter coming out soon
Word Count - 916

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