(22) Getting Ready

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January 14, 7:30pm

"Ethan can you believe we only have one more month?" Y/n smiled looking at her small baby bump
"No I can't, I can't believe you're baby bump is still so small though..." he sighed as the walked around the store heading towards the cash registers.
"The doctor said that she'll be okay, just small." She smiled as Ethan scanned all the baby furniture. There was a crib, rocking chair, changing table, dresser and a few other things plus, wall decals and ceiling ornaments.
"Little Amethyst" Y/n said as she looked down at her baby bump
"Why do you call her by her middle name?" Ethan asked
"It's cuter"
"Then Why is her first name Francesca?"
"Because that's the name we decided on" she said in a 'dur' tone
"Whatever" he giggled a bit and started to walk out pushing the heavy cart.
Y/n got in the car as Ethan loaded everything in.

"Ethan, I don't know if I can stay up all night with you setting this up" Y/n yawned as Ethan pushed the last box into the apartment.
"Oh Common, you should" he complained
"Look, you aren't the one carrying around a baby, it's tiring" she told him, he sighed
"Whatever" he rolled his eyes
"Babe don't be like this" she told him "I'm having our child in one month, I have to get rest!" She told him, he just pushed the boxes into the nursery and brought the bags in there too.
"Ethan, don't be salty" Y/n walked in
"I'm not saying that I won't be with you for the whole night, I'm just saying I'm probably gonna fall asleep on the floor in here" She giggled a bit, Ethan then giggled too.
"I can't be mad at you for longer than a few minutes" he giggled
"I'm gonna go take a shower, hopefully that'll wake me up" she smiled, Ethan nodded and she walked off.

(As highly requested Y/n has finally taken a shower)

Y/n got out of the shower and went to the nursery, where Ethan was. Ethan was working on setting up the crib
"Look at you setting up Ikea furniture" She said walking, she was recording for her Instagram story.
Ethan giggled and turned around to see her
"Why are you Recordin'" he asked in a whiny tone
"Because I can" she stopped and posted it. "So do you want help with the crib or..?"
"No! I'm doing this by myself! I just don't want you to hurt yourself or wear yourself out" he said smiling
"Ok, well I'm gonna paint the letters that are gonna go up on the wall" she pointed
"Ok" He went back to putting the crib together. Y/n walked out and got the acrylic paint. She chose 4 colors: pastel Blue, pastel pink, pastel purple, and white. Y/n got out a paint pallet and was mixing and adding paints. The first letter she painted was and 'F' for Francesca, her first name. She painted it Pastel pink with white streaks. She then painted the 'A' for Amethyst. She painted it purple with white polkadots. Finally, she painted the 'N' for Nestor, Ethan's last name, soon to be hers too. She painted it a gradient, blue going into purple then pink. She smiled and put them together to dry.
"Babe!" She yelled
"Yes" Ethan ran to her, she was in the kitchen
"You like?" She asked smiling
"Yes" he smiled back
"I'm scared" She admitted
"Why? You're gonna be a great mom" he smiled and put his arm around her.
"I don't know...I know the doctor says that it's fine that she's gonna be small, but what if something's wrong?" She sounded worried
"Trust me, she'll be ok. And if she isn't, well take it from there. But I promise you that this baby will be ok" he put his hand on her stomach.
"But what if she's sick? What if she has some sort of disorder? What if she's too small?" She teared up
"She won't be, if she is, I'm sure we can handle it. Please don't get worked up about it"
"I can't help it Ethan...I just want her to be okay...I'm 8 months pregnant and it barely looks like it 5 months in..." she sighed and a few tears ran down her face.
"Please don't cry" Ethan wiped her tears
"It'll Be Fine" Ethan told her
"Ok..." she sighed
"Common lets get to set up this room" he smiled and picked her up bridal style. She giggled as he brought her to the nursery. He set her on the floor and continued to work on the crib.


"Wow this really came together" Y/n yawned
"Yep" he smiled
"I love it" she looked up at him
"Me too" he smiled. Ethan grabbed out his phone and went on Twitter
[Videos will be delayed for today, I stayed up all night working on the baby's nursery] he tweeted
"Thanks babe" she smiled and kissed Ethan
"Don't thank me, I should be thanking you for carrying around our baby" he smiled

Just a little warning, next chapter is the last chapter. Also! All of you go follow stuck_in_a_toaster she's amazing!!
Word Count - 863

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