(4) Netflix and Nope

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March 10, 7:30pm
Another date. Another date with Ethan. Another date that Mark was involved in. It was 7:30 and Ethan was coming over at 8. He was gonna come over for a horror film premier that we were gonna watch together. He was most likely gonna spend the night unless Mark makes him leave at 3am, when the premier ends. It wasn't anything fancy, it was just a bunch of horror movies on TV in one sitting. Yet, I still got dressed in some nicer clothes. Ok that's a lie, I got dressed in oversized sweatpants and a shirt that said 'I'm not lazy, I just enjoy doing nothing'.
"Y/n!!!" Mark yelled from downstairs.
"Yea!" I yelled from upstairs
"Ethan's here!" He yelled. I ran downstairs to meet him. But of course, being the clumsiest person on earth, I tripped down the last few steps and landed on my face at the bottom of the stairs.
"Are you ok?" Ethan asked
"Yep, I'm fine" I said, I probably wasn't.
"Quite an entrance." Mark said to me, I glared at him.
"Fuck Off." I told him laughing. Ethan than helped me up, I smiled at him. We than walked upstairs together.
"So now that Mark isn't here, I wanted to ask you something." He told me
"What." I asked him
"Do you, y/n m/n Fischbach(cuz ur Mark's sister), be my girlfriend?" He asked hesitantly.
"HELL YEA!" I screamed, he laughed then I joined him. "Ya' know we're gonna have to tell Mark." I told him
"Tell me what?" Mark asked walking into my room.
"That y/n's my girlfriend." Ethan said hesitantly.
"Um. Well. That's fine? Just don't dol anything more than making out, if you get what I'm saying." Mark said, Ethan and I broke into laughter, so did Mark.
"Seriously though" He said
The movie premier had started, Ethan and I were hanging out on my bed. He glanced over at me every few minutes, but I did the same for him. Every once in a while we would glance at each other at the same time.
"Your so cute in the lighting of the TV" Ethan told me, I smiled at him. He went in to kiss me. And of course this turned into a make out, I then broke the make out.
"What is this gonna turn into Netflix and.... Nope!" I said to him, he started laughing
"But this isn't Netflix, it's a movie premier." He corrected me. I smiled at him, we started to make out again.

     Eventually 11pm turned into 3am, we had finished the premier. By the end we were making out again. We had fallen asleep in my bed, cuddling with each other. 
Mark's gonna kill us I thought as I
dozed off into sleep.

Hey dudes!!! Ok so I'm only updating once a week, sorry! But if I want to i will update twice. Anyway thx so much for 100 (almost) reads!!! That's amazing for a book that doesn't even have 10 parts! Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter and plz vote and read my other books!
Word count - 470

Markiplier's Sister (crankgameplays x Reader) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now