(10) Hey, How Ya' Doin'

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April 23, 7:30am

Day 2 of the date with markiplier, as I got up I pushed Ethan out of bed and he fell to the ground.
"DONT BRING YOUR KIDS HERE" Ethan sang and screamed.
"What?" I laughed
"Nothing... just a dream..." he whispered, he then got up and got dressed.

    I walked over to my dresser not paying attention to what Ethan had said, and I put on clothes. It was a Markiplier shirt with an "M" on it with a mustache. Then I put on a pink beanie, black boots and pink leggings. As Ethan and I walked down the stairs to meet up with Mark, I couldn't help but notice Ethan humming the same song over and over again. I didn't confront him about it and just ignored it. He continued at we drove to the set where we were gonna film.
8am, Restaurant place set thing

Mark pulled up to the building and we went in to set up. Once everything was good we started to shoot. We shot one scene, the Ethan started to day dream.
"Are we still rolling?" Kathryn asked
"Hey, how ya' doing? Do you want some ice cream from my shop?" Ethan started to sing "Hey how ya' doing? No please don't call the cops! It's a drug front..." Everyone laughed "HEEEY! I sell drugs and ice cream! Want some heroine on that cone? Stay here give me 50 bucks! It's fine, wink wonk." He stopped singing "look under that cone, what do you see? Some good ole' PCP!" He then continued to sing "Its me mad Mike, I run and ice cream shop. Da da da! Hey! You can't bring your kids here! This not the type of scenario for children..." Ethan laughed and sang at the same time, everyone else laughed and giggled.
"Is that way you screamed "don't bring your kids here" this morning?" I asked him
"Ya" he answered. I laughed at him and we continued to film.

Ok guys, so it's that time of year for the Watty Awards, I want this book to win in the fan fiction category. I really hate to nag you, but can we get at least 100 votes on this, and if we get 101 I'll make a sequel to the book. This book isn't even close to done, I would just love if I could win the Watty's. But I'm not forcing you to vote. Just, if you agree that this book should win let's get it to 100 votes! Thank you guys!

Word Count - Very Short

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