(Last) Emergency

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February 9, 2017

   Y/n was laying down in her bed. Ethan was up late working on Youtube stuff. Y/n had been having small contractions for about a week, but tonight was different. She was having strong and painful contractions. She was just waiting it out though. She didn't want to go to the hospital yet. Ethan decided that he was gonna stay up with her, but he was working at the moment. Y/n's baby bump was still small, she was very worried. Ethan had a few concerns. At this point, Y/n's doctor was pretty concerned too. She thought that the baby would've grown by now, but the baby was still the same size.

    Y/n got up, she couldn't take the contractions anymore. Y/n had been crying from being worried and from the pain. The contractions were too painful. She went to Ethan's recording room.
"Babe, I think we should go to the hospital..." Y/n sniffled
"Ok, I'm gonna call Mark so he can pick us up" Ethan turned around
"Why? Can't you just bring me?" She asked
"No, I wanna be there to comfort you. I can't do that while driving" he told her
"Oh...okay, thank you" she wiped her own tears. Ethan grabbed his phone off of his desk and called Mark. It rang a few times before he picked up.
"Hello?" Mark asked tiredly
"Mark, it's Ethan. Y/n's having really painful contractions, and she thinks it's time to go to the hospital" Ethan told him "I want to be there to comfort her on the ride, so can you drive us?" He asked
"Oh, um...of course! Let me just get out of bed and I'll be there in a few minutes!" Mark said waking up.
"Thank you" Ethan smiled
"No problem!" Mark hung up. Within a few minutes he was there. Mark knocked on the door, Ethan opened it
"Where's Y/n?" Mark asked
"In our room" Ethan answered, Mark ran to her. It was clear she was in pain
"Do you really think it's time?" Mark asked in a panicked type mode
"No shit! Of course I do or I wouldn't have told Ethan that we needed to go to the hospital!" She yelled
"Calm down" Mark told her
"No!" She yelled "Can you just help me up and out to your car?!" She asked
"Of course" Mark pulled her up and helped her up. Him and Ethan helped her to the car. Ethan and Y/n sat in the back with Ethan. She held Ethan's hand; squeezing it every time she was in pain.
5:20am - Dawn

   At this time they had arrived at the hospital and gotten a room. Y/n was very scared, her heart beat was very fast. The baby's heart beat was in the slower side of normal. A doctor walked in and told Y/n that it was time for her to have the baby. She grew more nervous as she was wheeled to the delivery room with Mark and Ethan following behind.

When they got to the room, a few nurses came in. They asked a bunch of questions and then hooked her up to a bunch of machines. They gave her epidural left. Y/n was very close to having the baby, but she wasn't ready yet.
"I hope this baby is ok" She was crying
"The baby will be fine" Ethan told her
"She's gonna be small! The doctor said that! What am I saying!? She's not gonna be alright!" Y/n cried
"Y/n you need to calm down, She'll be fine" Mark told her, he put his hand on her shoulder.
"Mark, what if she isn't..." she sighed and cried more, Mark wiped her tears
"Do you know how proud Dad would be if you?" Mark asked
"Don't bring Dad up! I'm already emotional enough over her!" She yelled in Mark's face
"He'd Tell you how you're so much more smarter than me and that he's proud that he had kids before me" Mark smiled and teared up
"Please, don't talk about him"
"I'm sorry, I thought you just needed to know that"

   The doctor walked in and told Y/n that it was time. Mark sat in a chair on one side of her as Ethan sat on the other side. They prepared Y/n for the birth of the baby. As she laid in the bed she kept getting more nervous. She followed the doctors orders when they told her to push. She tried all she could to do everything. Y/n had a generally small body, she was a bit shorter than Ethan and she was very light. (I don't care if that is accurate if not). She got tired very easily.

   50 minutes go by of her pushing and nothing has happened. They have made  no progress. Y/n is informed that she had to be taken for an emergency C-Section. They rush her to another room, Mark and Ethan once again follow. Ethan was now worried.

   The prepare Y/n for the C-Section. Ethan and Mark are on each sides of
Y/n. As they begin operating in Y/n,
Y/n listens to what the doctors are saying. Their talking about how difficult the baby was being and other stuff about the baby. Once they got to the part where they were gonna take out the baby. They were there for a little while. They had taken the baby out of Y/n, but there was no crying, no noise at all coming from the baby. Mark got up to go check on her. The doctor asked him to step away. Shortly after that the doctor asked Mark and Ethan to step out of the room
"Why?! That's my baby!" Ethan yelled
"Sir I need you to leave" The Doctor said basically pushing Ethan and Mark out.

Y/n was even more nervous now. She didn't know what to do, Mark and Ethan were the only reason why she was calm. She began to sob as she laid there. She heard the doctors talking. Both Ethan and her heard a doctor say something very tragic at the same time.
"She has no heart beat" the doctor told another doctor. Y/n sobbed loudly and screamed. Ethan fell to the ground outside of the room and was sobbing and shaking. Mark kneeled next to him, tears running down his face
"I'm so sorry for you..." He cried

HAHA! Imma leave y'all off on a sad cliffhanger! Yeah...so there is a sequel you'll have to read that to find out what happens! (HINT: just read the sequel) That will be out sometime this month or next month! So yeah! I hope y'all enjoyed reading this! Well all except for this last chapter...Uh anyway, thanks for all the support and reads!
Word Count - 1090

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