(3) First Date, I Guess

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February 3, Saturday, 5:30pm
Today was the day Ethan and I had planned to have a date. In one way I was super excited and I counted down the days till this day. But in another way, I was super nervous. I mean Mark kinda set us up, I don't want us to have a relationship if it's just for Mark. But I have a weird feeling this is gonna go good. Ethan was getting me at 6:30, which gave me an hour to prepare. I looked at myself dressed casually in my body mirror.
My first date in L.A, this is gonna be so awkward I thought to myself. I laughed at that thought. Then I started looking through my closet, looking for a nice dress. Finally, I had found the dress. It was a medium length dress, it had a teal bottom and pastel pink lace top. I then put my (hair length) (h/c) hair in a braid and put it to the side. I then put on silver and black eye shadow, a neutral pink color on my lips, and of course I didn't put in blush since I already blushed so much around him. Then I threw on some white boots with short heels. I made sure everything looked perfect, then I
re-checked everything. Mark then knocked on my door, before I even answered he walked in.
"Ethan's here-- whoa. Well uh, have fun. And if you do anything more than kissing I'll kill you both" Mark came in shocked. Ethan was 5 minutes early, it was 6:25. I walked downstairs to meet Ethan. As I saw him I smiled, he smiled back. I started to blush, I was super shy I couldn't even talk.
"Well, I guess this is where the date begins." Ethan said leading me out to his car. "You look nice" Ethan said as we got outside.
"You don't look so bad yourself." I said looking at him. He wasn't in a suit, but he was dressed nicely.
Maybe one day I'll see him in a suit, and he'll see me in a white dress. I thought to myself it's your first date! Jeez slow it down y/n! I told myself
We had arrived at a fancy restaurant. Ethan got out of the car and came over to my side, he opened my door and gave me his hand. We walked in hand in hand, Ethan then settled everything with reservations and we got our table. We then ordered.
"So, Mark might kill you if this doesn't work out..." I said laughing a bit, it was more of nervous laughter.
"Ya..." Ethan started to laugh nervously now too. "What was it like growing up with Mark?" Ethan asked
"Horrible. I mean ya, he's funny. I remember the day he started YouTube. He's just...protective? Seriously he didn't even let me talk to any guy unless he knew them, even when he first started talking to his YouTube friends he wouldn't let me talk to them. And they were 6-8 years older than me!" I told him, he started laughing. I did to.
We had finished up the date, Ethan and I split the bill and he lead me back out to his car.
"Thanks for taking me out" I told him
"No problem, we should do this again. But not with the whole 'fancy dinner' thing." Ethan laughed
"Definitely, maybe you cold come over next week for like a second date type thing." I told him
"Ya, why not." He said
"We'll talk about it later."
We had gotten back to my house.
"Well bye I guess." Ethan said awkwardly as he walked me to the door.
"Wait! There's one thing I've wanted to do this whole date!" I blurted out excitedly.
"Well what's tha---" he said before I cut him off by kissing him. It lasted for a bit, right up until Mark opened the door.
"Nope" He said splitting me and Ethan apart.
"You said we could kiss!" I argued.
"Didn't think you actually would!" He argued back. Ethan laughed, then he left. I went up stairs to take off my makeup and get ready for bed. Of course Mark followed me up to get a whole interview about the date.

Guys!!! I know I don't have a lot of chapters or even that many reads, but thanks for all of the support!!! Anyway since you guys are giving this book so much support can you please go give my other books some support too! I would really appreciate it! Once again thx!!!


Word Count - 718

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