We meet again

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Rory's POV:

Paris France. Also known as the city of lights, and the city of love. Actually, the last time i was here i was with the person who i had pictured being with forever. Back when i was a student at Yale i spent my Christmas traveling around  Europe with my equal, the person who i shared everything with, and my best friend; that wasn't my mother obviously. Yes after nine year i am still hung up on Logan Huntzberger. Logan was the person who i wanted to be with forever, but my stupid ass fucked that up. Do i think about Logan on a daily bases? Absolutely. Do i stalk him on social media to see if he married someone? Fucking rights i do. Does my mom know about my obsession? No. Sometimes i like to keep my private life, or lack of one to myself.

I am currently in Paris covering the one year anniversary of the bombings. I got a full time writing job for the New York Star; you know the paper in which Carrie Bradshaw wrote for. Anyways; I immediately took the assignment as during my all night stalking session i saw that Logan was here for work. So everyday i walk around hoping to see a glimpse of the man who took half me when he walked away from me. I find myself spending most of my time sitting in this small, quiet cafe hoping that by chance I run into him. I've been in Paris for almost a week, and even with my stalking I haven't been able to find him. That was until Finn sent me a message on facebook letting me know that he was also in Paris, and wanted to catch up.

When Logan, and i ended things I was afraid that the boys who treated me with nothing but respect would choose his side. To my surprise they played Switzerland, and never talked about the other person when we would meet up. It has been a few months since I've seen Finn, and part of me was hoping he'd bring Logan along; but that is just wishful thinking on my part. "Rory Gilmore as i live, and breathe." I hear the Australian accent, and knew instantly who it was. "Well look who it is. Hey Finn!" I say standing up, and hugging him tightly. "Paris seems to be treating you well." Finn says as he sits across from me. "Well it is the city of lights." I say to him with a small smile. "It is also the most romantic city on the earth." Finn says to me. "What brings you to town again?" I ask him changing the subject. "I am here meeting up with an old mate." Finn says, and he gave me knowing eyes. "Colin?" I ask playing dumb. "Nope." He says playing along. "Robert?" I ask trying not to smile. "God no. I love that man but he's in China." Finn says to me. "So you are meeting up with Logan?" I ask him finally saying his name out loud. "Yes i am. He's in town for business, and my company, and his are hoping to merge. Of course our main investor lives here." Finn says. "Wow! Look at you two being all adults, and such. I hope it works out for you guys." I say quickly. "He's not seeing anyone." Finn says to me. My heart immediately stopped beating, and the possibility of a reunion wasn't to far off balance.  "Oh yeah?" I ask Finn, and of course i wasn't shocked he rolled his eyes at me. "Rory can i be completely honest with you?" He asked me. "Sure." I say. "Well you broke him Rory. For the past 9 years Logan has been walking around with half of him missing. That half belongs to you, but Logan being dense he'd never admit that." He says to me. "Well i feel like part of me is missing as well. I've become that girl who stalks her ex on social media. I have his instagram alerts turned on so i can see what he's posting. I am the biggest idiot ever; as i shouldn't be that girl who is still hung up on her college sweetheart, but nevertheless i am. I know he'll never forgive me for breaking his heart though." I ramble. "God i've missed your rambles Gilmore." Finn says chuckling. "You never know Rory; Logan is more forgiving then you think." Finn says glancing at the front door.

That is when i see the most perfect man walk through the door. My heart grew three sizes, and my stomach did a flip. Logan Huntzberger somehow managed to get more beautiful over the past nine years. and i wasn't ready for that. "Logan look who i ran into!" Finn says with as much enthusiasm as he can muster up. I roll my eyes as it become a reality that he set this whole thing up. "Why don't you join us?" He says, and Logan sighs loudly. "Rory you remember Logan?" Finn asks me as a joke. "You are freaking hilarious Finn." I say to him kicking his shin under the table. "Hey Logan." I say to him. Logan looks me, and my breath hitched. "Hey Rory." Logan says while not allowing his eyes to leave mine. I use to know what Logan was saying to me without actually saying the words, but right now i didn't know. "You know what I should go. I have a skype meeting with my editor tonight; so i  need to head back to my hotel. It was good seeing you Finn, and don't be a stranger. Logan it was good to see you again." I say grabbing my stuff, and putting the money i owed for my coffee on the table.

I just stood outside the cafe not knowing if i should cry, scream or both. When i was trying to make the decision i hear the nickname i've craved to hear again over the past nine years. "Hey Ace." Logan says from behind me. "Hey." I say to him. "Look Finn told me he was meeting you for coffee, and i got jealous. The idiot hasn't changed his location password in about 10 years. Who makes a password their birthday now a days?" Logan says making me laugh. "It's Finn." I say in a response. "True. So i maybe going out on a limb here, and you can say no by the way. I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner with me tomorrow night?" He asked me. I just stood in place, stunned, and also happy. "Uh sure. I'd love to have dinner with you." I say to him. "Great. Here is my number, and i'll just ask Finn for your number." He says. "Great. I should let you go, and have your meeting. See you tomorrow Ace." Logan says to me. "Looking forward to it." I say to him as he walks back into the cafe. Holy fuck i have a date with Logan Huntzberger.

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