9. My Best Friend

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Chapter Nine: My Best Friend

"He's back!" Joly called out from his spot on the barricade and everyone was on their feet in an instant. It had been hours since the old man had left and it was already dark.

"Listen my friends! I have done as I said, I have been to their lines. I have counted each man, I will tell what I can." The old man's voice was so familiar as he was let back through the barricade and I found myself facing evil blue eyes that could only belong to one man. Inspector Javert,

"Better be warned they have armies to spare and the danger is real. We will need all our cunning to bring them to heel." Javert told us as I looked around for Grantaire to try and warn who the volunteer was but he was over by Courfeyrac and Jehan.

"Have faith," Enjolras told all of us as he looked back at Javert. "If you know what their movements are we'll spoil their game. There are ways that a people can fight. We shall overcome their power."

"I have overheard their plans there will be no attack tonight." Javert informed us as my unease grew. "They intend to starve us out before they start a proper fight. Concentrate their force, hit us from the right."

"Liar!" Gavroche called out just as everyone was about to go back to what they were doing. All eyes went up to where he was perched on a broken piano. "Good evening, dear inspector lovely evening, my dear. I know this man, my friends his name is Inspector Javert!So don't believe a word he says 'cause none of it's true. This only goes to show what little people can do!"

"Bravo, little Gavroche, you're the top of the class!" Courfeyrac praised him as he and Grantaire grabbed Javert by the arms while everyone else aimed their guns at him.

"So what are we going to do with this snake in the grass?" Jehan spat as he glared at Javert in disgust. As Javert looked around at all of with anger burning in his eyes they landed on me and I went cold. Could he really recognize me?

"Tie this man and take him to the tavern in there." Enjolras instructed them. "The people will decide your fate Inspector Javert!"

"Shoot me now or shoot me later!" Javert's glare kept landing on me as he yelled at Enjolras and the other men. "Every schoolboy to his sport! Death to each and every traitor, I renounce your people's court!"

"Take him away." Enjolras turned back to the barricade as Courfeyrac and Grantaire dragged Javert into the tavern and Ephonie appeared next to me.

"There's another traitor among you!" Javert called from inside the tavern. "You will find them soon enough!"

"Grantaire knows who I am," I whispered to Ephonie as I spotted him coming over to us with an anxious look in his eyes.

"Would either of you know what he meant by there being another traitor?" He asked the both of us.

"No-" I started to argue with him but stopped at the sound of marching footsteps. Everyone else around us went quite at the sound too as Grantaire pulled us off the barricade while others climbed up with their guns ready and aimed at the approaching soldiers.

"At the barricade, who's there?" A soldier called out.

"French revolution!" Enjolras yelled back.

"FIRE!" The soldier commanded and the gunfire broke out from both sides. I found myself hurrying over so I was in front of Gavroche while Ephonie stayed at the bottom of the barricade with Grantaire who helping reload guns for the others. I found my gaze being locked on Courfeyrac as he kept shooting at the approaching soldiers who were now starting to climb the barricade.

"Marius, what are you doing?" Gavroche went closer to the barricade and I searched for Marius until I spotted him. He was at the top of the barricade and was dragging up a barrel of gunpowder. What he didn't notice was the soldier aiming his gun at his head.

"No!" I yelled as I saw a familiar figure pull the gun barrel so it was aimed at themselves instead of Marius and the shot rang out. No one else seemed to notice my friend falling to the bottom of the barricade as I hurried over to her side to see how bad she was.

"Ep, what were you thinking?" I asked her as I knelt down at her side and ignored what was going on around us. All I could see was my best friend lying in front of me bleeding from a bullet that'd been meant for someone else.

"I had to save him," she gave me a weak smile as a soft rain started to fall. "I'm sorry Loe, I shouldn't have brought you here."

"I came of my own will," I shook my head as I placed my hands over the gunshot wound in het chest. "You'll make it out this, you're going to live and we'll go off away from your father. Marius will fall in love with you and it'll all be perfect, you just need to stay awake."

"Go," she shook her head weakly. "Don't blow your cover for me. Protect Gav for me, the two of you can make it."

"Phonie?" I heard Marius walk up behind me. I kept my head low as I gave my friend one last smile and walked into the café. I shut the doors behind me as I saw Marius pull Ephonie into his arms. I couldn't bite back my tears as I ran up the stairs into the meeting room. I grabbed a bottle and just threw it against the wall as I continued to cry. My best friend was dying just outside and was being held in the arms of the man she loved but he didn't love her too. He was in love with some other girl he barely knew! All Ephonie had known her whole life was pain! Her father would hit her, she wasn't loved by the one she wanted, and now she was dying!

"Aloe?" I looked up to see Grantaire standing in the doorway with a crying Gavroche. All I did was open my arms and the little boy came running to me and cried into my chest as I cried silently, only able to think one thing.

My best friend is dead.

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