Recovery (Chapter 28)

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"Olly, why am I here? I've been waiting at this bloody park for the past hour." I groaned down the phone to my best friend.

Olly had told me to go to the park near my house at half past three to meet the person I would always cherish, I told him that unless Willy Wonka was real I wasn't going to meet anyone important. He insisted I go to the park just for him and because he couldn't make it. To whatever 'it' was. But I'm starting to think he's set me up.

"What's the time?"

"Its like 5:15! I swear to God I'm going soon if whoever this imbecile is doesn't arrive."

"Alright alright calm down! I'll call you back soon yeah."

"No, you won't- Oh gaad! Can't bloody believe the worm." I groan more to myself as he cuts the call.

I shove my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and stomp my foot restlessly. Glancing around I check to see if the person Olly has sent me to meet has bothered to make it yet.

Met with a plumpish woman with a double pushchair laden with bags and rucksacks I try a small awkward smile in case she saw me acting up. She doesn't return my smile instead she starts running, or what I think is running as her round face quickly becomes tinged with pink and the children giggle excitedly in the pram. Shouting at me she attempts to point and 'run' at something near me.

"Stop the child! Its going into the road! Quick!" She screams, her face on closer inspection a picture of terror.

I glance at where she's pointing and spot a little girl a slight way away hurtling towards the unguarded road. I don't have to be told twice as I take large quick strides towards the toddler. Grabbing her by her coat I protectively wrapped my arms around her stomach drawing her into my chest as I had done many times with Amir when he was acting up. Adjusting her position so that my arm was around her back in a sort of extremely tight hug I moved back to the parks large metal gates. The girl whimpered slightly before clasping at my neck managing to dig a hard plastic object into it.

"Oh my Gaad you nearly died! Oh my God! Oh God! Oh sweet baby chicken." I mumbled in anguish jiggling her as I looked for a hopeless parent in the direction she came from.

Lifting her head from my hoody clad chest she too began looking for her mum or dad, gripping the toy close to her which I now realized was a bear she began to softly wail, "Daddy?..Daddy Daddy"

Her face began to crumple into a cry as my panic rose. Oh great, please don't cry on me.

"Daddy's here. Shh shhh its okay Daddy's here. Come 'ere" A male voice gruff with fear and a deep affection came from somewhere above me. "Don't you ever scare me like that again! Do you hear me?"

I chose to look at the face of the young child instead of her dad. Guys hate when girls do things better than them and when girls see them show vulnerability. Even dads, well especially dads; mine was no exception. She cocked her head slightly before erupting into fits of giggles. I left them not wanting to intrude turning to an entrance of the park which was in the direction the dad had formerly come from.

Someone tapped my shoulder I shrugged them off before turning around.

"Sorry, I just wanted to thank -Tee? "

"Erm..hi." I felt awkward, he looked different no longer sporting a short trim but a soft looking buzz of an afro and a stache.

"Hey, your hair looks nice." He smiled wistfully as I subconsciously played with my fringe tugging at it.

"Thanks, I err cut it short."

"I can see that" Trent smiled a boyish grin at my discomfort.

"Right. I saved your kid for you. But it wasn't for you, I just saved her. I didn't know she was yours, I'm not saying I wouldn't have saved her if I knew it- she was yours. I would have its just, I didn't know and I kinda just did it. I tink I'll stop talking, I mean think. I'll just stop." I burbled.

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