Surviving in an African household (Chapter 1)

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"It's BIG Sean.. "

"Who is that? "

Wow.Omg.Wow.I can't even -wow.

My sister needs one of Bieber's awards whacked over her head. Twice.

"Just shut up." I finally retort.

Wait for it, wait for it, here it comes.

'SHAT APP? ' Mum seems to have required bat like ears from somewhere down the line.

'Who sayed shat app ehh? Not in my house or even the streets in front of my house! Swearing? no no no no no In my day....'

In your day there was no internet,cars or fashion along with the obvious fun. I murmur. In my head, I'm not getting lectured today. I have online shopping to do.

"Sorry, muum! Can we go with Ashley please? We're taking our phones and are just walking around the area."

"Yes, go go." Yippeeee, uhm I mean finally though.

"Come on then twins. You cutie patooties Owwww"

Good call Farah, good call.

"Ashley are you alright did you trip?"

Simultaneously asking the sarcastic question me and Farah drag the dopey blonde away.


My parents seem to have this idea that all the boys in our presence want to get off with us and get us pregnant or something, so feel the need to shelter us. So they sent us to a mixed gender school and out of school club.

Me and my sister, yes twin. No we can't read each others minds. No we don't dress the same we don't look alike either. Well we kind of look alike, just a bit. Anyhoo, we feel the need to protect our OTT parents from our male friends.

"Honestly, what are you even thinking about?"

"Yeah Fatimah, you haven't even been paying attention and you randomly have that weird dopey look on your face" Ashley chimes in.

Ahhh shiddddd. Not as dopey as I thought.

"Guys, act prestige or normal. Pick one because you can't do both"

I quickly rearrange my facial features imitating a bored look on my face as 'the crew' saunter towards our direction.

The crew if you didn't know consists of 5 guys who were 17 or 16 all gorgeous, all testosterone.

There was Trent who was mixed raised his mum a beautiful Jamaican his father a Caucasian south African, his cousin Jamal fully Jamo.

Khareem who forever repped Tanzania,  cappuccino in colour known for his 'good looks and good attitude towards adults' pshhh, asshole.

Jay a smooth talking kind of guy who transferred from Italy when the boys were 13 . Sadly his accent disappeared with his pastries when he made enough friends.

Khalil the baby of the group, the colour of milk chocolate and a sweet behaviour towards females to match.

"Y'allright yeah"

The words seemed to tumble out of Trent's plump mouth. I knew it was directed at all of us but held his gaze momentarily before addressing the rest of the guys.

"Heyyaa, we're good " Farah seemed to be thinking a lot on my wave length today I register as we say the same thing at the same time.

is the general outburst from the guys.

Trent starts to snicker and the rest join in an occasional 'that's freaky though' 'real talk' appears now and again as Khalil tries to calm down his homies.

It isn't the first time this has happened so we just roll our eyes and strike up a conversation about what lipstick would suit the guys which brings their idiocy to a spluttering halt.

"Stop it yeah?"

Khareem looks queasy as do the rest, which cues our cackling. We need to sort that out.

Ashley finally manages to splutter that we have some where to be as the guys drift off , still shaken about any of them in make up as we go in the opposite way.

I stop laughing as a hand grabs my wrist and tugs me. Trying to shake my hand out of the grasp I turn around to see Trent grinning boyishly.

I punch his chest half heartedly. My God, he works out !

"You scared me Dixon you fudgeball!"

I exclaim substituting his surname for his first.

He raises a hand to his cheek in mock shock, "Oh no Salim what am I to do?"

I don't even sound like that.

"I really don't sound like that, what do you want?"

My voice is deadpan, flat. I'm still mad at him for scaring me but I can't control the stupid grin plastered on my brown face which colour resembles a snickers bar and nose a potato. I can't wait to do something with my eyebrows which my friends think I get done, with my parents? Yeah no.

"You didn't give me a hug innart?"

He raises an eyebrow a smirk playing on his mouth. This is the point where Ash and my sister dear realise I'm not walking with them anymore. Yep, this point when he still has a grip on my hand and our breath is starting to mingle with the minute space between us.

"Must I?"

I crinkle my nose in mock disgust,

"I heard boys had nits."

He laughs running a hand through his hair- uhm his hair cut.

"And you believe everything you hear right? I thought you were a smart girl."

Another punch to his chest, slightly harder this time.

"I'm joking I'm joking man. Just give me a hug innit, I'm cold."

His voice is playful yet persistent.

I sigh as if it's the biggest task to reach up to his 6" fine frame and wrap my arms around him. He holds on for longer than necessary, I let him cling on to my frame his muscular arms circling themselves around my slim waist and full hips.

"Okay okay, that's enough!"

I laugh out, pulling myself from his warm embrace. Sauntering away I call out,

"Next time bring a jumper", before I break out into a slow jog.

"Why's he looking at you?", is what I make out from Ash and Farah who are further down the green park.Turning my head slightly I catch him stealing glances at my frame. Is he looking at my bum? Why am I smiling at the thought?

"You can be such a hoe Fatimah."

Ash echoes my thoughts exactly as we approach the throng of the rest of our diverse group.




This is my first piece so I hope you enjoyed it. Errm, vote and comment I guess. Any and all feedback is welcome.

Surviving in an African householdWhere stories live. Discover now