It (Chapter 2)

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"Aye, come here."

Whyyyy? Why must I be the one that my dearest older brother has to adore? Why me?

"Yeah, what do you want Abdul?"

He was playing on his phone the sound of a jungle and djambo drums emitting from his iphone.What is it with Temple Run? Sighing dramatically I mentally count down from 10 deciding that when I get to zero I'd just up and leave his Lynx smelling room.

"Make me a sandwich?"

Oh so now he speaks too bad he's speaking utter bullpoopy.

"I don't have time for you RAAAYYY"

I drag out the latter part of his double barrelled first name chopping off the 'ab' of Abdul-rayab. My parents are probably the most contemporary Kenyans I know. I mean listen up, my 18 year old brother (and a half he never fails to add) is the only person I know with two names for a first and a middle name that isn't my fathers. Then comes Farah and I, whose middle names my brother got to choose. I don't think it was safe to let a three year old choose names for a pair of female twins. I guess my parents got a kick at writing out Farah Embe (Ehm-bay) which means mangoe in swahili , not forgetting my name Fatimah Ndizi (nn-dee-zee) which by the way is another swahili word meaning banana. Yes my parents and relatives called us the fruit salad, even if there were only two fruits. Idiotic really. At least me and Farah got to choose our little brothers name, 4 year old Amir Troy's first and middle name was a decision we made from rock paper scissors. Being seven it was mature don't you think? Whatevss

"I'll pay you."

Oh look he's making sense now.

My hand finding its way into my brother's trophy clad room and my palm outstretched I mutter the oh so familiar words

"How much?"

The grin scarily similar to the one I was trying not to sport and extremely identical to my fathers popped up on my brother's face like a pimple.

" You see the recession yeah? Urrm basically £2.50..oi. I was joking! Oh my god man come back banana. I'm sorry I meant Fatimah innit. I'll give you seven pounds fifty..."


"Okaaaay, then man. Nine, jheeze man you girls are annoying."

He grumbled as he took out a five pound note and four one pound coins.


we simultaneously protested as our parents cleared their throats trying to hold back chuckles.

"You two, will be the death of each other. Blackmailing each other for a sandwich? Kids these days"

They trailed off reminiscing about the stone age probably.

I shrugged at my brother before heading into the corridor to breathe in air that wasn't contaminated with body spray. Grabbing Amir I lifted him up Lion King style towards the light.

"Sometimes you take this I'm African too thing too far and forget the I'm a girl I should sleep in the kitchen"

Abdul's sarky voice finds its way misteriously to the landing. Frog feet.



There wasn't much going on in hurrrr, this is basically an intro to everyone

What do you think of the big bro?

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