Already taken (Chapter 5)

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I'd never been with someone older than me by two or three odd years before. The majority of guys I talked to could legally drive ,drink and go to prison without a call to mummy. Trent still lived with his parents but was reckless in a way.

"Why are you smiling? Do you want that boy ehhn? Should we call his parents so you can stare at him in person Fatimah?", my mum talks so much sugar fluff!

Step Up was on, you know the one with Channing all over your Tatum and he was looking gooood might I add. I was probably intrigued at how much more sexy I could take before I peed myself on the couch. Which wouldn't be ideal since my legs were on Farah's and Rayab's legs stretched past Farah's lap which was in the middle and into mine. Lanky bugger. 

As my siblings laughed and jeered mum on I sighed.

"I don't even like boys ma, I want to get a good job and have a house and a car and help you and daddy when you're old in like two weeks before I think about boys and getting married. Right now I'm young so I need to focus on my studies.", Farah drawled out the life that we were to lead. Reciting what had been drilled into our minds ever since we could remember.

Earning a pleased expression and 'good gerl' from mum, a give it up from Rayab and "Talk outside" from my dad and Amir. Yeah, I don't know how I came out normal either but HEY! You get what you're given and you werk with it.

My mum's phone rang aggravatingly interrupting Channing's scene with whats-her-legs, his wife.

"Fatimah, pass me my phone please. Its ringing."

Huh? Get this, my TV was positioned on the wall in the center. Directly infront of my TV is an ivory wallpaper clad wall which had a three people sofa in front of it, this is where me, my sister and Rayab were. To the left was a two person sofa which held dad and Amir, the right two person sofa holding my slim, size 12 mother. In the middle of the sofas was a glass coffee table, my mum's phone was at the edge of the square table directly in front of her.

"Hurry up it better not go into voicemail!", mum urged me.

It was right in front of her!

"Hallo?", mum practically sang down the phone.

Are you serious? In the living room? As we are watching something? Its not like this happens frequently or anything though. Oh wait, it does.

"Err, Farah turn down the volume." mum glared at Farah as if she had to pick up.

Come on.. come on... Farah obediently turned it down two decibels as I squidged back into my place. After about 2 minutes until the end of the froggy film my mum finally said her bye's.  

"Abdul -Rayab? Make me and your father tea please honey.", mum was unbelievable. She was on a roll today, how can she feign sickness so suddenly and sound so weak when a few seconds ago she was screeching with laughter and nattering away about any and everything?

Amir poked his head up like a meerkat, "And me. Five big spoons of sugar please"

"Amir? Are you even going to drink it though" my brother was like me in the sense that he didn't see the purpose of completing something if it wasn't going to be appreciated or at least acknowledged. 

"You can't make tea for us? What do you go gym for? Maybe your sisters can make tea and go gym for you instead" my dad blurted.

Well that set him off! Rayab made some kind of mad dash for the kitchen. It was the funniest thing I'd witnessed. By the time he came back into view I had tears in my eyes and a nice six pack forming due to the laughter .

"How do you guys feel about Aunt Rena coming to stay?", mum suddenly asked.

I'm sure Rayab nearly dropped the hot beverages and me and Farah's laughter halted immediately. Even little Amir stopped pretending to be a car. No way!

"Can we go to Amor's and Dalia's if she does? Please mum?" Me and Farah nearly threw ourselves on the floor.None of us wanted to feel her wrath. Aunt Rena that is.

"I can crash at Khareem's place", Rayab insisted earnestly.

"Me too! I want to go to aunt Nadias place.", Amir added.

Amir only liked going to her house since he was treated like even more of a prince than at home! She had this adorbs little girl called Fifa a year younger than Amir and they flirted, or whatever kids do when they walk around like they're married non-stop!

There was this time last year when she gave him a smooch on the mouth.It was weird how everyone cheered them on but equally hilarious how Khareem muttered how his sister was going to be a slut from a young age. Bless 'em. I mean if I ever tried to pull that ishh, I'd be on the next plane to Kenya. I'm just saying!

Mum and dad were just laughing at the frenzy that beheld them. Gaaad! This was actually scary! Last time Aunt Rena came she made us switch up the house and clean out everything! The only room she didn't touch was my parents, she tried to get Rayab and Khareem who were playing some football game to move the TV. Yes, the one mounted on our living room wall. As she made me and Farah clean she just lay on my bed, barking orders and painting her nails. She used my laptop to skype her husband! I'm still not over that to be honest.

She even made Amir sort out his toy basket. It's a basket of toys! There should not be sections and orderly lines, he is also four going on five but whatever! She needs to be stopped, the woman is a terror she doesn't get props for being my mums cousin.

"Mum, I'm packing my bag now.", Farah ventured getting up.

*Hellooo is it me you're looking for?*

The sound of our obnoxious doorbell interrupts my train of thoughts. Me, Farah and Rayab freeze before making a mad dash for the stairs and the safety of our rooms. Well I thought everyone was going their seperate ways but they all hurtled in after me, in my room.

"Don't the pair of you own rooms?", I questioned my elders.

"Give it a rest Fatimah! I ran and couldn't stop besides I get head aches in my room and you can't see the floor in Farah's.", my brother updated me.

"You can see the floor in my room! And anyway Fatimah's room actually smells nice and is clean! She always makes the bed for some reason too!", Farah states giving Rayab daggers.

I stretch my arms infront of me admiring my unvarnished nails.

"That's because guys, I clean! Oooh never heard that one before have we? Get aquainted with the hoover and air freshener my friends you will not be let down! Now go..", I talk in a fake sing song voice as I push the two into the small hallway outside my door.

"Achieve remarkable results by opening your window and doing laundry!.." I carry on before being stopped suddenly by a clear "Shut your trap" from Farah and a disgusting hand held to my mouth from Rayab. Rude! Here I was trying to help their problems and what do they do? Stop my freedom of speech!

" Hamjambo? Where is everyone?", a female voice drifts up from the bottom of the stairs, somewhere near the door.

Are you alright is being asked?? How are you is coming from this lady's mouth in the form of hamjambo? Oh Gaaad! No you annoying, heart raising, sprint making woman! The three eldest children of this house are not alright! I want to strangle the woman for raising my blood pressure. Gaaad! Why now?

Why aunt Rena?



Already taken -Trey Songz, Fatimah's mum thinks she's lusting over Channing Tatum which is true but she knows she's already taken and happy with it kinda like Trey insists.

Hamjambo - How are you (plural)

I finally updated! I don't even know if anyone actually reads my work, comment and vote so I know you're out there! I thought this would be an easy chapter but it's probably been the hardest to write. So, thoughts about Aunt Rena?

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