With you (Chapter 11)

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"Guys? What we cooking today?" I asked from the mass of blankets we were all in.

We had camped in the living room watching rom-coms, it was 5 days after the party disaster.

"Should we practice for come dine with me?" Amor suggested, she had signed up for the show earlier in the year.

"Yeah! Me, you and Dalia do the cooking. Farah can clean, set the table and theme as well as doing those number cards." I burbled.

"Hmm, alright bugsy dessert I'm good at those" Dalia nodded, very much aware of Farah's lack of cooking ability.

"Aren't mum and dad back soon?" Amor questioned.

"Oh yeah.." was the general response.

"Right, meal for six it is then."I stood up, waiting for the others to join me. Grumbling they got up passing me as they left the sitting room. Rude.

Drilling the procedure of washing hands and cleaning surfaces into the sisters we began to prepare a three course Spanish meal. Rolling out dough I began to question how people got recipes round back in the day. The struggle!  What did they do when they wanted to spice up their recipes or tell someone not to add too much of something?Double the struggle.

Amor and Dalia had learnt to cook from both their parents. Dalia took after her mum practising Fillipino dishes where as Amor revelled in the Spanish culinary aspect of her upbringing. I on the other hand enjoyed exploring the vast spices used in Indian and Tanzanian cooking. I could practically name most spices and herbs from the mere smell.

"Omg, Farah can you not?" I asked, well shouted as she obnoxiously began opening pots and pans on the stove and smelling the work being carried out on the chopping board.

"Sorreeee! I need to know the theme though." she whined.

"Spain, now adios" I snapped.

"Hoe." she grumbled as she mercifully left.

The thing is, we didn't just make Farah do the presentation because she couldn't cook she could draw pretty well. I mean I wasn't too bad but Farah was in her element in front of a piece of paper and art utensils. I preffered the dancing side to the arts but me and Farah have always both loved acting since we were about Amir's age.

The doorbell seemed to ring just as we had placed the starter, main and dessert on the dining table which was in the main room segregated by the large sofa. We all took quick snaps of the food and living area dressed in spaniard-type clothing which Farah managed to pick out too. The place was transformed, Farah had even managed to do the kitchen which we had cleaned before freshening up. It looked pretty impressive to say the least.

"Mum! Papa! Oh my god, you look great!" squealed Dalia from the doorway.

We all rushed to the door, grabbing bags and parcels from the tanned couple grinning at us.Dumping the items in the kitchen we embraced the two as they let out slightly breathless laughs.

Amor basically shoved her parents into the living space as we followed after them like puppies. Their eyes lit up at the sight and I swear Uncle Ernesto wiped a tear, they then finally took in our attire Angie, Amor and Dalia's mum, clasped her husbands hands brutally forcing us to take a picture. We obliged being the photogenic people we were. Photogenic we were not, it took about 15 shots to get a pic we all liked even Uncle Ernesto was picky!

"So what do you girls have planned?" Angie asked.

We had finished the meal and were lounging around the main area, complaining about being in England. It seemed Dalia's great aunt Maria didn't make it, her parents thought as much before hand anyway but its not like it fazed either of the two nieces as they strutted around in their killer heels. Me and Farah weren't left out of the present giving as we jiggled our alternate bangles up and down and as I clutched my J B wrapping paper gleefully. Farah was equally pleased with her vintage thingy of some random woman..Okay then.

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