Is this love? (Chapter 19)

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“She's breathing. Where shall I put her?" I heard a male's voice speak vaguely from what seemed like far away from me.

I winced, my head pounding and my eyelids heavy. It felt like I was using all of my strength to try and pry open my eyes, I gave up since it caused an unnecessary surge of pain to shoot through my head. It would just be easier to relax on these soft pillows and snuggle into the squishy surface below me for a while just to take a little nap...

“Queridos? (Dear) Fatimah stay with me. Stay with Uncle Ernesto okay. Amor go call her parents they must be worried sick. Boy, why did you come here instead of to her house?"

I started painfully trying to work out who Uncle Ernesto was and why I had to stay with him. I struggled to maintain my train of thought and was just going to refresh my memory with a nap when a cool cold liquid graced my face. I was gasping for air, bolting up right and inwardly cursing myself as I held on to my still pounding head.

“Oh Gaad! What am I doing here?" I asked confused at being in the all too familiar Martinez household.

I was gently grabbed and forced in to the bossoms of my mother as well as my fathers typical dad shirt. After checking and prodding every inch of my being my mother calmed down enough to start thanking the Martinez' and ranting at me for not being careful.

“But how did I get here? Did I fall asleep..?" I insisted.

“Not quite... you fell. On the floor, you fainted but thanks to this boys you're okay." Ernesto explained looking thoroughly perplexed.

I turned to the doorway to thank the good samaritan to see none other than Khareem standing there awkwardly staring at the floor.

“Oh okay, thanks for that. " I got out awkwardly.

“Its nothin' really." He brushed off.

Then my mother did the most mortifying thing ever. She grabbed the sides of Khareem's face and smothered it with kisses holding him in to a tight embrace. My dad had to pry her off of him and then took his turn to be the embarrassing one, he basically bombarded him with questions about his intentions and if he ‘tried anything dodgy' while I was on the dirty floor before hugging him.

“Thank you Uncle Ernesto, Khareem... mum? Can we go? I'm feeling a bit sick...I wouldn't want to mess up their house.." I improvised getting to my feet and trying to refrain from calling out as I stood.

Khareem gave me an awkward smile as I passed him, my dad along with Amor's giving him questioning daggers. I wanted to snort at the situtation but merely smiled back and motioned towards the door as a sign for him to leave too.

“Oh, I'll just see myself out..." he trailed.

My mum nudged my father before we reached our front gate a subtle motion which I wasn't meant to notice. He reluctantly drew in to his pocket shaking Khareem's hand he slipped him a red note with a small fifty poking out. He had never tried to slyly slip me more than a tenner... Okay then. I see.

I hadn't realised how tired I was until I had kicked off my shoes and slumped on to my bed. Crawling deep under the three layers of blankets I sighed in bliss. Before I could escape to my fantasy land my mum came in with a glass and bottle of water and some paracetamol. Prompting me to drink before kissing my forehead and leaving the bottle by my floor. I smiled before settling back in to my pillows.



I had awoken to a string of texts and missed calls from Trent since before the whole skyping incident to after actually falling asleep for twelve hours. The first few were cute then Trent's fear began to multiply... I decided to shoot him a quick text seeing as I was starving due to the lack of food, I calculated that I hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before.

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