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"Good morning class." Miss Robinson, the ballet teacher, called to the group of teenagers on the floor.

"Morning Miss." came the collaborated answer.

"On your feet, all of you." Everyone jumped up, ready to practice. "Today is a very special day. As of today we're starting a new dance which will have important solo or duet sections for everybody here." Murmurs broke out amongst the group. "I'd like everyone to choose a partner." Sherlock jumped slightly as the entire group, apart from one boy, rushed over to him and started begging to be his partner. He noticed the boy roll his eyes and lean against the wall of the studio.

"I-I'm sorry. But I want to be his partner." Sherlock spoke, his voice wavering slightly. The group around him fell silent before they left him alone. "Erm, hi." Sherlock said to the boy, who was still showing no interest in talking to him.

"Can I help you Sherly?" He spat. Sherlock was a little taken aback as the venom in the boy's words.

"I-I was just wondering if you wanted to be p-partners?" Sherlock asked, confused at his own stuttering speech.

"Why would I want to be partners with you? I bet you don't even know my name."

"I-I just thought it'd be nice." Sherlock muttered. "You don't have to if you don't want to, it was only an idea."

"If you can tell me my name then sure thing. Until then, I'll be over here." He walked to the corner of the room and sank down against the wall. "You can't ask anyone either."

"How am I supposed to know your name then?"

"We all introduced ourselves a year ago." He shrugged. "How do you think I know your name? Apart from because you're the best dancer here."

"I'm really not."

"Whatever you say Sherly."

"What's the first letter of your name?" Sherlock waited for a response but received none. "Can you at least talk to me? It's extremely frustrating." He grumbled staring at the black haired, black eyed boy. Still no response. "Please?" he turned his head away from me staring at silver object that he gripped in his hands. "What is that?"

"It's a bullet."

"Real or fake?"

"Figure it out Sherly. You're the clever one aren't you?" he smirked leaving Sherlock shaking his head. "Don't shake your head to hard, your head'll fall off."


"Yeah, I suppose. Remembered my name yet?" Sherlock grumble out an illegible response. "That's a no then. Well, nice talking to you." The boy stood up and grabbed his bag off a chair.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. Why, thought you'd follow me?" he teased Sherlock.

"No, why would I do that?" he asked the boy, still trying to remember his name.

"Just an idea Sherly. You can come if you want, could do some dancing." He smirked making Sherlock shift uncomfortably.

"I thought you said you wouldn't be my partner unless I knew your name?"

"I'm not. I'm just inviting you to mine to practice some dances, not as partners though."

"Are you sure?"

"Come on Sherly." The boy started walking out the studio, Sherlock chasing after him like a lost puppy.

"Wait for me then!"

They walked up to Jim's house and Sherlock stared at the size of it. "How big is your house?"

"Three floors, not that big."

"It's huge!"

"Oh shush," the boy unlocked the front door to reveal a long, wooden floored hallway with paintings hanging on the white walls. "Welcome to my home Sherly."

"Yeah, not huge at all." Sherlock muttered as the boy led him through the house, stopping every now and again to point out rooms.

"Do you want to go outside?" the boy asked as he gestured to a door. "My parents built me a dance studio thing a while ago."

"You have a dance studio your garden?" Sherlock asked, getting more interested in the boy every minute he spent time with him.

"Yeah, it's not that big. Enough room to dance though, it's got speakers as well so we can play whatever music we want." Sherlock just nodded excitedly as the boy ran outside to a wooden building at the bottom of the garden. Inside there was an entire wall of mirrors with a wooden barre across them and two large speakers in one corner, the rest was empty space which made the interior appear bigger than it was.

"How did they afford to have this built?"

"They were just really rich I suppose."

"What do you mean 'were'?" Sherlock asked the boy, noticing the sudden dullness of his eyes.

"They erm, passed away. A couple of years back now."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring your parents up."

"It's fine Sherly. It doesn't bother me anymore." The boy shrugged before walking over to the speakers and connecting his phone phone to them. "Fancy a dance?"

"Sure, why not?" Sherlock asked, rising to his feet and taking his place beside the boy. "I've never done a pas de deux before."

"You'll be fine. Ready?" A slow song began to play and I instantly recognised it from one of our classes. The music started slowly but has bursts of quicker paced music. The music tempos merged into a beautiful melody to create a dance for the two boys, changing from Adagio to Allegro and back. Both boys flowed across the floor elegantly, gliding towards and apart from each other. The music began to speed up as Sherlock and the boy leapt into their pirouettes, twirling on the very tips of their toes, until the music ended and they found themselves face to face. The boys were so close they could see the crimson cheeks of each other, feel each other's heavy breaths, see the sweat on each other's foreheads, hear the silent enjoyment of each other. "Sherlock, that was incredible." They were so close their noses were almost touching.

"You're an extremely talented dancer James." Sherlock smiled at the boy who's name he had finally remembered during the dancing. It was at this point, due to the close proximity of the two boys, that Sherlock found himself staring into the black orbs of James's eyes. They weren't black in fact, Sherlock realised, they were a dark and rich brown colour like chocolate, but the outsides were a soft golden colour. "You're eyes are beauti-" Sherlock was cut off by James pressing his lips to his. Sherlock froze a little before returning the kiss, gentle and soft as if neither knew how it was done. Jim broke the kiss with a smirk plastered of his face.

"You were saying?" He asked Sherlock who still looked slightly dazed after the event that had just occurred.

"I-I don't remember." Sherlock stammered.

"How about another kiss? That has to be what you were talking about doesn't it?"

"I don't care what I was taking about." Sherlock let out a small chuckle as Jim brought their lips together once again, both boys smiling like the teenagers they were.

"Hey Sherl?" Jim asked as the two boys rested their heads against each other's.


"Do you want to get lunch some time?"

"Are you asking me on a date James?"

"I might be, depends on if you say yes or no."

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you James."

"Thank you Sherlock, for today. You didn't have to ask to be my partner."

"I'm always going to be your partner from now on if you will let me."

"Of course I'll let you," James laughed. "Why would I want to be anyone else's?"

"Who knows?" Sherlock smiled, pulling James into one final kiss.

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