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Prompt : Poison only tastes like poison after you've tried it.

"Sherlock." The sinfully melodious voice of the consulting criminal sang in his Irish brogue. "Where are you Sherlock?" The sound of his shoes clicking against the cold concrete grew louder. "It's not like you can escape from me Sherlock, I know where you are." The door of the dark cell Sherlock was in flew open, illuminating the darkness. "Here you are. Exactly as I left you." The criminal stalked towards the detective like the predator he was. "I gave you the choice to leave, the door was unlocked all night. Why are you still here?" Sherlock made no attempt to responds, remaining instead seated and leaning against the wall. "You're quiet today. I am expecting an answer though Sherlock." No response. "Sherlock, answer me." Silence. Sighing, he moved forwards swiftly and grabbed Sherlock by the throat, a strangled choke slipping from the detective, earning a grin from the criminal. "Why are you still here Sherlock?" He whispered sinisterly into his ear.

"You know why." Sherlock chocked out.

"Most likely but it's always so much better when I hear you say it." The detective bit his lip, refusing to let the words pass them. "Oh Sherlock, come on. It's only four little words. I know you can do it." A stray, unwanted tear slipped form Sherlock's eye, slowly trailing its way down his pale skin. "Come on Sherlock, say it and I'll let go of you. Must be hard to breath properly by now." Sherlock opened his mouth to speak but no sounds would form. "Keep trying Sherlock, I won't let go until you say it."

"I-I'm," Sherlock willed himself to speak, pain burning his throats as his head grew lighter. "I-I'm addicted to y-you." A devilish smile broke out across the criminal's face, never reaching his eyes.

"See, it wasn't so hard was it?" The grip on Sherlock's throat disappeared suddenly and his head fell forward, his body shaking as he drew in ragged breaths. "So pathetic Sherlock, you're so pathetic." Spat the criminal. He grabbed the detective's hair, yanking his head back harshly. Their faces were just centimeters apart as the criminal hissed his next words. "I'm your poison Sherlock, don't you forget that." Their lips crashed together violently, raw hatred from the criminal and pure desperation from the detective. A satisfied smirk plastered itself on the criminal's face as he pulled away from Sherlock and walked back to the door. He took one last look at the broken genius on the floor, how his head hung low, the way his shoulders shook and tears dropped onto the floor. "Poison only tastes like poison after you've tasted it Sherlock. You tasted me and look where it got you. I'm better than any drug you've ever tried and Sherlock, I'm going to kill you sooner than any of them will." The steel door was slammed shut, once again not locked, but Sherlock make no attempt to leave. Moriarty was right. He was addicted to everything about him. He'd tasted the poison and become addicted. There was no escape from the hell Sherlock had created for himself. He was addicted to Moriarty's poison, caught in his web and trapped until the poison killed him.


Sorry this one is a bit shorter than my other ones, I'm struggling for ideas so if anyone has any requests feel free to comment them. Much love to all of you guys who read these ❤❤❤

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