Potter!lock (PART 3)

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Very quick A/N 

This part is looooong. There are kind of 3 parts within this part so... It's 1,276 words so enjoy I guess...


A hand grabbed Sherlock's shoulder just before he was about to step into the Great Hall. "Thank Merlin I caught you." Jim's voice spoke.

"May I ask why? We are meeting each other after breakfast."

"That's the problem. Snape gave me a detention today, on a Saturday."

"Tell me you are joking." Jim's answer of silence was enough. "But it's Saturday."

"Yeah, I know. Therefore we need to get out of the Great Hall without Snape seeing. I just haven't figured out a way to do so yet." Jim watched Sherlock's face as the Ravenclaw thought something over.

"What if there was some sort of terribly unfortunate accident during breakfast?" A wide grin settled itself on Sherlock's face while a rush of excitement coursed through Jim's body.

"By 'terribly unfortunate accident' what are you suggesting exactly?"

"Well if a Slytherin and Ravenclaw got into a particularly nasty fight and some bones were broken, they would both be taken to Madame Pomfrey-"

"Therefore avoiding detention. And I'm certain that the Ravenclaw would know just the spells for a plan like this to work." Jim finished Sherlock's idea. Both boys were grinning like idiots, mischievous glints in both their eyes.

"But of course there would have to be some form of insult to start the fight."

"Something simple yet offensive." Jim thought for a moment before an idea sprung to mind. "Holmes isn't even that smart. He doesn't actually fit into any of the houses, the Sorting Hat only put him in Ravenclaw because it felt sorry for him."

"That would offend Ravenclaws and supposedly offend me."

"I think we're set then. Well after you Sherlock." The Ravenclaw made his way into the Great Hall, followed by the Slytherin a minute later.

Halfway through breakfast, Jim yelled out the insult the boys had agreed on. In an instant Sherlock had made his way over to the Slytherin, grabbed Jim by the collar of his shirt and dragged him from his seat. "Oh look at that, little Holmesy is feisty." Jim snarled, surprising Sherlock slightly.

"Why don't you just keep that mouth of yours shut Moriarty." Sherlock growled back, still holding Jim's shirt. With a roll of his eyes Jim raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Fine, sure, yeah whatever. Why waste muscle on a Ravenclaw anyway." Jim's eyes stared into Sherlock's, both boys silently surprised by the other. Sherlock let go of Jim's shirt, slightly throwing him back into his seat, suddenly realising how the silent the Great Hall had become. As he turned back to the Ravenclaw table with a fake triumphant smirk, he heard Jim mutter a spell. Sherlock ducked just as the spell smashed into the wall above him, spinning to face Jim, wand raised.

"Ossis Effergo!" Sherlock yelled, a dark blue light flashed from his wand, hitting Jim in the arm. A loud crack followed by shout of pain erupted from Jim's body and a few teachers stood up in shock, McGonagall rushing down the Hall to the boys.

"Mr Holmes! Mr Moriarty!" McGonagall shouted but Jim was already running at Sherlock, mouthing a subtle 'sorry' before his fist connected with the Ravenclaw's nose, another loud crack echoing through the hall. "Both of you! The infirmary right now." McGonagall grabbed both student by the shoulders and marching them out the Great Hall, missing the lopsided grins they sent each other.

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