Potter!lock (PART 2)

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When the Slytherin sauntered into the Potions classroom the Ravenclaw was already there, quill in hand and head down as he scribbled down the words on the board. "You're late Moriarty."

"Only by 5 minutes professor, chill out."

"Would you like another week's worth of detentions Moriarty?"

"No professor."

"Sit down and copy the lines from the board, in silence." The Slytherin mock saluted Snape as he made his way to the front of the room, sliding into the seat next to the Ravenclaw. "Away from Mr Holmes." With a roll of his eyes, the Slytherin shuffled along a couple of desks.

"Better professor?"

"5 points from Slytherin. I said in silence Moriarty."

"Technically professor," the Ravenclaw began, not looking up from what he was writing. "You said to copy the lines in silence, I don't believe he has started copying the lines yet."

"10 points from Ravenclaw and I'll see you for an extra week of detentions Mr Holmes." Snape glared between the boys, missing the smirk that graced itself onto the Slytherin's lips. "I will return shortly and if I find either of you have been anything other than silent, you will find yourselves back here every evening for a month. Do I make myself clear?" the Slytherin held up a sarcastic thumb while the Ravenclaw nodded in a bored manner. Snape sent them both one final glare before he left the classroom, the door slamming shut behind him followed by the unmistakable sound of the lock clicking into place.

"Well this is dull." The Slytherin exclaimed as he laid his quill next to his parchment.

"Extremely." The Ravenclaw replied, copying the action.

"What's your name? Not that I care but I'm stuck in here with you and I'd rather not be boring and remain on last name basis."

"William, but everyone calls me Sherlock. You?"

"James, everyone calls me Jim. Why Sherlock?"

"Second name, plus William is boring."

"Sherlock is better." An uncomfortable silence fell over the two boys until Sherlock broke it.

"Do you play quidditch?"

"Now that is a dull question."

"Got anything better to ask?"

"No. To both your questions. I doubt you play either."

"No, I'm more of a read and pass lessons easily sort of person."

"I don't read much, I just pass my lessons. Only the ones I care about though."

"Why don't you like potions then? I mean, the professor is your head of house."

"Ugh." Jim groaned. "I like to be different, being the same if boring." He stood up and sat in the seat beside Sherlock. "Everyone is so dull here."

"Precisely." Another uncomfortable silence fell over the pair of them. Jim took the silence as the perfect time to glare at the boy next to him, the urge to shout at him growing the longer the silence lasted.

"You infuriate me Sherlock." He growled, the unexpected change in his personality made Sherlock shrink back into his seat slightly.

"Why's that?" Sherlock replied, trying to hide his momentary shock.

"Neither of us would have been here if you hadn't kept arguing."

"If I remember correctly it was you who started the argument."

"I'm pretty sure you started it actually."

"Not really."

"Yes you did. You decided to argue with me about making the potion, or not making the potion for that matter."

"We were both arguing with each other, that's how an argument works."

"Not always." Jim raised his voice and stood up so he was looking down on Sherlock.

"Majority of the time it is." Sherlock replied, also standing up. "We're arguing now and it's both of us."

"So what? You can have a one sided argument." Jim protested, anger flaring in his eyes. Sherlock was about to snap back a reply when the sound of Snape returning stopped him. Sherlock dropped back into his seat and hurriedly scribbled out a few more lines as Jim ran over the desks and flung himself into the one where his parchment was.

"The two of you are dismissed." Snape's voice whipped through the classroom as he made his way to the front.

"Same time tomorrow professor?" Jim asked with a grin as the two boys grabbed their stuff and began making their way to the exit.

"7:00pm sharp."

"See ya professor." Jim called as the door slammed shut behind the boys. "You're not too bad Sherlock, you infuriate me beyond belief but you are interesting."

"Thank you. You are quite intriguing as well."

"Glad to hear it. How would you feel about accompanying me to the Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor match at the weekend?"

"Are you sure it won't be too dull for you?"

"It most certainly will be but I believe that it will be marginally more interesting with you there." Jim said with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh you flatter me." Sherlock replied sarcastically.

"So, you up for it?"

"Why not. See you tomorrow in detention Jim."

"You too Sherlock." The Slytherin waved as the Ravenclaw hurried up the staircase.


Part 2 of Potter!lock. Just an idea (because I really have no ideas for what else to write) would you guys like a part 3. It would be them at the quidditch match just being Sherlock and Jim. Comment if that's something you would like.

Thank you for taking the time to read the shite I write ♥️♥️♥️

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