Reichenbach Dreams

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"Jim, please. You don't have to die!" Sherlock cried as he only just managed to stop Jim from putting the gun to his chin.

"Sherlock get this through your stupid head! I have to!"

"Give me one good reason why you have to. One good enough reason."

"If I don't, you will." Jim sighed, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"What have you done Jim, what did you do?"

"In my defence-" Sherlock went to interrupt him. "Let me finish. In my defence at the time all of this was set into motion, I had no idea that I would have fallen for you! Me falling in love with you wasn't even a possibility when the original plans were made."

"Jim, it's okay. I didn't expect it either, I thought I might have to die but I thought it would've been for someone else."

"What are you talking about? Sherlock? What are you going to do?" Jim yelled as he watched Sherlock step up onto the edge of the roof. "Don't you dare!"

"I'm sorry James."

"No! Don't you dare use my name! Get off that ledge Sherlock, please."

"I'm sorry, I really am."

"If you were that sorry you wouldn't do it!" Jim had a few stray tears trickling down his cheeks. "Please Sherlock."

"James, I'm not going to let you die for me or my friends." An unwanted tear leaked from Sherlock's eye.

"You can't die for me!" Jim ran over to Sherlock, grabbing his arm in a desperate attempt to stop him. "I can't let you die... please William." Both men stood staring at each other, eyes filled with pain, desperation and love. "I love you William Sherlock Scott Holmes."

"I know. I love you too James Moriarty, never forget that."

"I don't think I could if I tried."

"Neither could I. Goodbye James." And with that Jim watched Sherlock step off the edge of the roof. The world slowed as he ran to see Sherlock's body hit the concrete below. Dead.

Jim sat up gasping for air, sweat drenching his head and body. Shakily he ran his fingers through his disheveled hair, tears threatening to fall. A strong pair of strong yet thin arms wrapped themselves around his shaking body, long legs either side of him. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here, I'm right here James." A deep baritone voice spoke gently, hiding its own panic.

"I watched you," Jim cried, relaxing slightly into the touch. "You jumped and fell. Y-you died William."

"James I'm here okay, I didn't die."

"But it felt so real! You hit the ground, I heard your bones snap!"

"It didn't happen, it was only a dream."

"Promise me it was only a dream?"

"I promise." He laid back down, pulling Jim with him with and holding him close to his body. "Try and get some sleep James, we've got to meet my parents tomorrow."

"Okay." Jim curled closer to his boyfriend before letting his eyes fall shut. "I love you Sherlock Holmes."

"I love you too Jim Moriarty, I'm not going anywhere."

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