My Tiger

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 I was in the mood for vulnerable/emotional Moriarty so that is what I present to you.  


Tears stung Jim's eyes but he refused to let them fall. He wouldn't let them fall. Sebastian wouldn't have wanted him to cry over his death, so he wouldn't. Jim wiped the tears away angrily as he clutched the picture in his shaking hands. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to block out the ringing in his ears. Memories of them together flashed through his mind, both the good and bad, the arguments and the laughter. He was too deep into his own mind to hear Sherlock enter the room. "Jim? Are you okay?" Sherlock's voice made him snap out of his thoughts, his eyes opening slowly. "Jim?" He looked straight ahead, unable to bring himself to speak. "Jim please, say something." Sherlock wrapped his arms around Jim's waist and pulled him into him, resting his head on top of Jim's. "Tell me what's wrong." He shook his head in reply. "Please Jim."

"I-I can't."

"Jim, you need to tell me what's wrong."

"I don't need to do anything." Jim snapped.

"Fine. I want you to tell me what's wrong." Jim shoved the picture into Sherlock's hands. He studied the picture of a younger Jim and another man. The man was significantly taller than Jim, with short blonde hair and eyes that were a mixture of blue and grey. "Who is he?"

"His name was Sebastian Moran." Sherlock winced at the way Jim's voice cracked as he said the man's name.

"Was he your sniper?"

"Amongst other things, yes."

"What do you mean?"

"He was, erm, the first person I lov- needed." Jim could feel the tears once again pricking at his eyes. Sherlock placed a kiss to his head and waited for him to continue about Sebastian. "I hired Seb thirteen years ago after he was discharged from the army due to some... complications with others." He let out a shaky breath before continuing. "To begin with, he was just another one of my men, but over time he climbed the ranks and made himself known to me. I can still remember the job I gave him so he could prove himself to me. I went with him to observe. He was so nervous, I could see the sniper shaking in his hands but once he got that man in the sight, it was as if he and the target were the only two people in the world." Jim chuckled hoarsely, leaning his head on Sherlock's shoulder.

"When did the two of you become... closer?"

"You mean when did we become lovers?" Sherlock nodded awkwardly. "For the last ten years of his life we were together." He wiped the fallen tears away.

"And, how did he die?"

"He was captured on one of his jobs. Some big mob boss got him when he was trying to take out a few of his men, I mean talk about clichés right? I tried and tried to get him back, I sent about thirty of my top men to break him out, but I eventually went myself in the hope of bargaining his return. The boss agreed to make a trade with me but when it came to it, he took the guns and other weapons and handed me the body of Sebastian. He was covered in blood and as cold as ice and just lying in my arms! That man handed me his dead corpse!" Jim cried, slamming his hand into the couch he was on, startling Sherlock. The two of them sat in silence for a while, neither knowing what to say.

"Hey, Jim. You know I'm here for you right? And I need you as much as you need me."

"I know. And I really do need you I just... you know. He was my Tiger."

"I understand."

"No you don't. But thank you for trying Sherlock."

"It's okay Jim. How about we go to sleep? In the morning we can go and visit his grave."

"Okay." He muttered, running his thumb over the picture. Sherlock picked him up and carried him into their bedroom, lying him on the bed and climbing in beside him.

"Try not to think about it too much, you'll only upset yourself more than he'd want you to." Sherlock smiled reassuringly at Jim.

"I know."

"Just try and sleep. Goodnight Jim."

"Night Sherlock." He cuddled closer to Sherlock and tried his best to fall asleep.


Wow look at that! I'm not dead! Sorry that this one is shorter than the others and probably not as good. But hey-ho, hope you enjoyed. ♥️♥️♥️

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