Chapter 9 - The Maid

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Omar rolled off his bed and planted his feet on the carpet his mom had picked out for him. He stretched his arms out above his head and padded naked into the bathroom. At the sink, he picked up his toothbrush, slapped some toothpaste on it, and hopped into the shower.

After a five minute long scrub down and some rigorous tooth brushing, he stepped back into his bedroom and got dressed in a light blue button-down shirt and black trousers. Going through his tie collection, he picked out a black and silver one and proceeded to put it on.

No exercising for him today - should have woken up earlier. He hadn't even heard his alarm go off. Or maybe he just hadn't set one.

Last night, after his wild escapade with Xiomara, he had come home, taken a quick shower, and then about half an hour into watching The Equalizer and munching on some microwaved dinner, he had fallen asleep on the bed. Good thing, his tv was programmed to shut down after three hours of inactivity, so the first time he had woken up in the middle of the night with a certain female on his mind, the tv had already turned itself off. Otherwise, going back to sleep would have been difficult.

And still, he was tired. He might have woken up three or four times after that, his cock hard and his mind reliving the afternoon before like a movie reel with a glitch in it.

On his way out of the bedroom, he bent over and collected his dirty clothes from the floor. During the night he had gotten rid of his pajamas because it was too damn hot. But he preferred to sleep without a stitch on anyway. He tossed the pajamas in the hamper and then collected his car key from the hook his mother had so conveniently hammered in the entryway of his three bedroom condo. Don't know what he would do without her.

He got behind the wheel of the Dodge Ram and took off at a moderate pace before having to slow down at the security checkpoint that separated his gated community from the rest of the outside world. He nodded at old Sam Peterson on his way out.

Fifteen minutes later, he cruised into the yard of his as of yet small security company that was appropriately named after his dad, who was known about as the scorpion, because he could perform the human version of the 'promenade a deux', also known as the scorpion mating dance. And no, don't ask him what that looked like. He had never seen his dad in action.

And thus the name, Scorpion Security, was born. Right now he had about eleven guys doing guard work and three technicians who were busy optimizing the cryptic security alarm system he had bought over from a private security company that had gone bankrupt.

Setting up a security company was much more work than he'd anticipated, but he loved a challenge. He had already set up live feed surveillance in all of Willem's businesses and had gotten a nice lump sum to help launch him into the next phase of setting up a badass security system that would even rival the White House. He never did anything half-assed and he had no plans on starting now. This security company was his livelihood and he took the fact that people trusted him to keep their assets safe in high regard.

He got out of the truck and straightened his tie. For a moment, he stood there, taking in everything around him. With a grim look on his face, he strolled into the cramped office and saw that Damien was packing his stuff to leave. The next shift was due to start in ten minutes, but the replacement guard was nowhere in sight. Damien was one of his newest employees. The guy was built like a monster truck with oak trees for legs. Omar also understood that he had some background in martial arts, making him perfect for the job as a security guard.

"Hey boss, didn't expect to see you today."

"Me neither," Omar grumbled. "Who's working the next shift?"

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