Chapter 28 - When The Bough Breaks

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Everything hurt.

Her back. Her ankles. Her shoulders. And if she wasn't mistaken, even her waistline. It felt like somebody had injected her entire body with jelly. She was literally swollen. Like a bee sting, but then everywhere.

The doorbell rang.

Xiomara swore as she rolled over in the hammock, the net swinging wildly under her heavy weight. Omar didn't want her getting in the hammock, but it was the only place where she felt remotely comfortable. That new so-called maternity mattress he'd wasted his money on was a joke. She hated the thing. It wasn't any better than the mattress he had before.

The doorbell rang again.

This time she swore in Spanish. She didn't know who the uninvited guest was, but she wished they would just go away. Omar was outback watering the plants and most probably couldn't hear the doorbell going off. So she had no choice but to leave the comfort of her cocoon and wobble her way to the front hall.

On her way there, she paused once to catch her breath. Who in the hell thought it was a good idea to visit on a Sunday, and uninvited to boot? She couldn't wait to give whoever it was a piece of her mind. Walking and moving around was good for her, sure, but Sundays were officially her lazy days.

She managed to put one foot in front of the other, passing by Omar's man cave and then through the living room. That's when she heard two male voices surging in what sounded like an aggressive argument.

Omar and Willem.

She paused in the archway and listened.

"What, you think I wouldn't have found out?" Willem asked heatedly. "That you paid one of my maids to have sex with you."

What the hell was she hearing? Her heart pounded in her chest and her belly squirmed. Small beads of sweat condensed on her upper lip. A bitter taste formed on her tongue. For a moment all she heard was white noise. Omar's voice sounded off and far far away, his usual deep tone fading into static.

"It's not like that," he said, but he sounded strange to her.

"Did you or did you not pay one of my maids to have sex with you, bro?"

"I paid her, but–"

The sickening sound of a fist slamming against flesh and bone brought Xiomara out of the trance she was in. She rushed into the entry way just as Willem threw another punch, causing blood to spew out of Omar's lips. Flecks of blood splattered on Willem's crisped white shirt and landed on the mirror behind him.

Holy shit!

"Don't you ever disrespect my business like that again," Willem said.

Omar looked down at his friend, his jaw set firmly. "Are you done?"

"I should just kill you right now. What the hell were you thinking?" Willem lifted his arm to hit Omar again, but Omar blocked him and twisted his hand behind his back.

"That's enough," Omar said.

Willem gritted his teeth in pain. "Let me go."

Omar released him.

However, Willem had other plans. He went for a kick to the shins, but Omar was faster, moving out of his way to avoid the hit.

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