Chapter 23 - The Ex-girlfriend

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Xiomara backed away from the closet and stared at Omar. He had that look on his face. The one where he locked his jaw and his lips thinned out into an unpleasant grimace.

"So, are you going to tell me what I'm thinking or not?" she asked.

"It's nothing. The clothes are new and perfectly wearable. The tags are still on them, prices too." He wiped at his nose and then let his hand fall back at his side.

"I can see that, but that still doesn't explain why you have them."

"You're shivering. Are you cold? I can turn down the A.C, it automatically turns on when people enter the room." Omar lifted a remote from the nightstand drawer and adjusted the air conditioner accordingly.

"I know what you're doing," she said.

"I'm not doing anything. Just making sure you're comfortable. Let me get your suitcase. We can talk after you're dressed." He strolled out of the room, his long legs taking him far in a matter of seconds.

Xiomara sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked across at the closet with all the fine clothes. There were at least ten thousand dollars worth of clothes and accessories in there. A sparkly bracelet caught her eye and she got up to inspect it. She studied the diamond studded bracelet, turning it this way and that, mesmerized by the reflection of light bouncing off the thing.

The door opened and she turned around. Omar had her suitcase at hand. A gray sweatpants hugged his hips while his torso remained bare. His eyes settled on the bracelet in her hand.

"You can have all of it," he said.

"I don't want any of it." She dropped the bracelet back onto the pile of jewelry.

He didn't acknowledge her comment in anyway. Instead he walked further into the room and lifted her suitcase onto the bed. "You should get dressed."

When he made no move to leave, she said, "I'd like some privacy."

"No." He shook his head at her. "If I leave this room, we're not going to talk. If it's one thing you should know about me, it's that when I say I'm not talking, I really mean it. So if you want to talk you will get dressed... now."

"Fine." She dropped her towel and approached the bed. "Do you always use that tactic to get what you want?"

He shifted uncomfortably. "Talking is in your favor, not mine. There are things in my life I'd rather not talk about."

Tugging on the zippers of her suitcase, she flipped the cover open. "Talking can be therapeutic. You should try it sometime."

"Xiomara, for the love of God, please get dressed. All this teasing is driving me insane. You have three options. One, I walk out of here. Two, we talk, or three, I throw you back on this bed and fuck you until you beg me to stop. Which one will it be?"

Well damn. Her heart slammed against her ribs and she lifted her lashes to look at him. His dark bedroom eyes roamed over her naked body in a slow caress, stopping at her breasts before rising up to look her in the face.

"We just had sex," she said.


"That's not normal."

"I'll be damned if it isn't." He approached her and took her hand. "Do you feel this?" He closed her fingers around his hard shaft. "That's me wanting you again."

She sucked in air and massaged him through the sweatpants. He moaned. She applied more pressure. He cursed under his breath and let out a long stream of air against her neck.

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