Chapter 11 - The Goodbye

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Sometimes running away wasn't an option. Sometimes a girl just had to stand her ground and confront her problems no matter how uncomfortable they made her feel.

And right now, she wasn't only uncomfortable, she was embarrassed. This was similar to doing the walk of shame, but like ten times worse. Omar didn't seem like the kind of guy to pretend he was still asleep while she searched around his apartment for her panties before quietly leaving through his backdoor, never to see him again.

"Look," she said, "If you being here isn't related to Willem in any kind of way, I think you should leave. Unless, of course, you're still searching for your motorcycle keys, which you and I both know was a ruse you used to trick Filo into letting you in."

Omar tipped her chin up and blessed her with a half smile. The sexiest half smile she'd seen on anybody in a long time. For a moment her lashes drifted down, and she became aware of the calluses on his thumb, of the gentle manner in which he caressed her skin, his finger skimming back and forth along the sharp outline of her jaw. She sucked in a breath and looked him in the eyes. What she saw there caught her off guard.

His eyes had turned a muddy brown, and if she wasn't mistaken, there were specks of gold in there somewhere. She blinked and the gold sparkles disappeared. However, the heat stayed the same. The longer he stared into her eyes, the more her body reacted, flushing with need as fire licked under her skin.

"Do you want us to skip the talking and get straight down to business?" he asked. "Because when you look at me like that, it makes it difficult to think straight."

"You are truly despicable." She swatted his hand away from her face and took a step back.

"What did I do now?" He took a step into the foyer and grabbed her around the waist. His palms pressed into the silk shirt she'd chosen to wear, branding her in a way that sent warmth creeping throughout her body.

"Xio? I'm getting hungry."

Xiomara groaned and turned around so fast, her head spun. Oh goodness. She had forgotten about Esmeralda being at the villa. She smiled at her sister and watched as she traipsed across the foyer and came to a stop between Omar and herself.

"Who's that?" Esmeralda asked.

"Nobody," Xiomara replied.

Omar stuck out his hand and greeted Esmeralda. "My name is Omar. And you must be Xiomara's little sister. The resemblance between you two is striking. You guys have the same hair."

Esmeralda smiled. "Hi. I'm Esmeralda. Nice to meet you. Are you my sister's boyfriend? My mom thinks she has a boyfriend but is too embarrassed to introduce us to him."

"Is that so?" Omar glanced at Xiomara and winked.

"Okay. Enough of that you two. I don't have a boyfriend, and least of all it wouldn't be Omar."

"Why not?'' Esmeralda looked up at Xiomara with a frown. "He seems nice."

Nice? Nice? Xiomara would have never used that word in a million years to describe Omar. Moody. Serious. Jerk. Authoritative. Yeah, for sure, but not nice.

"I am nice," Omar drawled. "Just too bad, I don't do girlfriends."

Just perfect. That was all the confirmation she needed. He was a class-A jerk. Xiomara ignored him and walked in the direction of the kitchen. "Come on, Esme. Let's get you something to eat."

To her surprise, Omar followed them into the kitchen. Pay him no mind and he was bound to get bored and leave. That was her tactic. If that didn't work, she might just have to resort to verbal abuse. Or maybe not. Especially with Esmeralda around.

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