Chapter 37 - Love & Pleasure

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Omar woke up gradually to the tantalizing slide of lips against his abs. It took a while for his mind to register what his cock already knew. Stuck somewhere between the world of the living and the powerful lethargy of sleep, he fought to open his eyes.

And it was the best thing he'd done so far. The sight of his wife bent over his body, her braid caressing his stomach as she made her up to his chest with that sinful mouth of hers, was truly the sexiest thing ever.

For a moment he pretended to still be asleep as she continued to lick his flat nipple. The rasp of her talented tongue sent a bolt of lightning  straight to the head of his aching erection causing it to jerk. Her kisses were like a full on assault on his senses, attacking him and weakening his resolve.

The last four months had been a true test of his character. Having a baby and a premature one at that was a lot harder than he could ever imagine. Diaper changes were the worse. Cleaning up shit bombs just wasn't his forte. His gag reflex just wouldn't allow him to take pleasure in that simple act of bonding with his son, but he knew that every diaper he changed and every bottle he fed was a weight off Xiomara's shoulders.

She definitely had her hands full with Jaxon's incessant crying and Esme's nonchalant behavior when it came to taking her medicines on time and taking all of them. The new therapy the doctors had her on was doing wonders, but it also meant that she had a lot more pills to take. Anyway, he admired her courage.

With the moving in and the the wedding happening, life with Xiomara was constantly shifting. Quiet moments were few, and sleepless nights were truly a thing. And throughout all of that Xiomara never stopped. The mansion, as she chose to call it, was always sparkling clean and the aroma of something delicious being cooked or baked was always in the air.

Omar tried to block out his errant thoughts so that he could focus on Xiomara as she kissed her way up his neck, her ass pointed in the air, both legs spread open on either side of his waist while dressed in the skimpiest set of red lingerie he'd ever seen on a woman.

He looked at her through half open eyes. He knew what this meant. She was ready.

Grabbing her by the braid, he pulled her up until they were face to face, her beautiful eyes filled with lust for him. Good Lord, how he missed her.

"Good morning, honey," she said quietly. "It's a little early, I know, but Jaxon's usually asleep for an hour around this time. I hope you don't mind that I woke you up. I have a present for you."

Oh crap. Today was his birthday. He didn't even think she would remember. No wait, he didn't even know that she knew when his birthday was. He wasn't one for celebrations, but right now, with her sleek body pressed against his and her sweet mouth within kissing distance, he wanted to keep a damn party within the sheets.

Needing to touch her, he inched his way down her back and over the curve of her hips. The round globe of her butt was too tempting not to grab. He pushed down on her, urging her to ride him over his boxers. He could feel the heat of her sex like a warm sunny day through the thin material of her lace panties.

"You remembered my birthday," he said.

"Of course, that's part of being married."

"If that's the case, then I like being married. Besides my parents, no one really cares about my birthday, but I guess that's mostly because I never really cared about it neither."

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