Make Me Wanna Leave Part 2

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Last Chapter Of The Night From Me ~Kyi



"Aye Man , don't shoot your little brother he is blood" One body guard said. Ricky pulled away and put his gun back in his pants. "Get out of here, go home and don't come back until I saw so." He said yelling. I nodded and ran pass the body guards and out Rick's office. I didn't understand why he still tortures me about our father's death, I have gotten over it and moved on. The ride home was a emotional wreck for me. I cried because my own brother didn't care that he was about take my life for nothing.  I made it home and was greeted by my mom and sister.  "Dupree did you go by your brothers?" Mom asked.  I nodded and she brought me in for a tight hug. "Its going to be alright." She said.


~The Next Day~

I woke up and looked over at my clock it was 7:30 and school started at 8:00. I rose up from my bed and Levi jumped up on me and licked my face. I giggled and got of bed. Felicia busted in my door.  "I see this morning I don't have to wake your fat ass up." She spat. I rolled my eyes and ignored her. "Your dad is back, he is down stairs and has a gift for you, fat bitch." She yelled After slamming my door.  She such a bitch. I went into my bathroom and looked myself in the mirror.  All saw was a fat, and ugly.  Felicia was. right I am a fat ass. I'm a cow, I'm going to die alone. I dragged myself to the showers and turn it on and stripped. I got in and relaxed myself.

~At Breakfast~

I got out the shower and put on a knee length orange sun dress and sandy brown scandals. "Goodmorning Love." My Dad said kissing my cheek. "Morning." I said giggling.  He smiled.  "I got you a new phone, 1phone 5c." He said. "Really!" I cooed. He pointed to coffee table and I looked over to see and I saw the box and I smiled. "Come on Kelly, eat like you usually do." Felicia snickered. "No thanks, not hungry." I said grabbing my phone and bag and headed outside to the bus stop. I started up my new phone walked away from my house.  I seen this medium sized girl walk from her house and walk in front of me. I walked faster and past her up. I overheard her conversation on her phone. She said that Dupree had broke up with this girl named Megan Carson.  I thought real hard about the name Megan Carson. I stopped in my tracks.  Megan Carson was the nerdy girl I was friends with in middle school. She was my only friend and I wonder what happened to her.  I went back to the girl and tapped on her shoulder.  "Hey, umm do you happened to know Megan Carson." I shuttered. "No you fat whale." She said. I walked off and pulled out my phone and downloaded Facebook. I had a Facebook but I never got on it.  As soon as I logged in. I searched Megan and she came up. She looked stunning.  I can't believe she went with Dupree. I sent her a message and I waited for the bus.  As the bus pulled I received a message back and she gave me her number and told me to call her.  I smiled my old best friend. I got on the bus and sat in the front.  I called Megan and waited for her to answer. "Hello?" Her sweet voice rang. "Hey, it's Kelly Jones. " I said. "Kelly Its been awhile, I missed you." She said. "Yea, so I heard you just broke up with a guy named Dupree. " I said unsure. "Yes, girl he cheated on me, nasty bastard. " She said sobbing through the phone.  I was shocked. He tired to get with me, when he had a girlfriend and he was cheating on her?!!. He is a hoe. "I'm sorry about that, maybe after school we can hang out." I said. "Sure, I come pick you up, just text me you address later." She insured me. "Alright Bye." I said as I hung up. Dupree was a hoe and I need to leave him alone.


Sorry it's short and sorry for mistakes if there is any

Oh My Lord. °_°

She Lied. Smh


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