I Love You?

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David was out cold, just the way I wanted him. I dragged his body up to a near by chair and tied him up.


David had told me that he was taking Me and the twins with him on a business trip so Kelly could, have her some me time. That fat bitch needs a diet. So I agreed to go with and then I knew it would be the right time to go along with my plan. While I was at work I called up my two brothers who were drug dealers. Chuck and Rocko.  "Hey y'all it's time. " I said bluntly through the phone.  "When and where?" Rocko questioned. " In Chicago,  in a hotel called Double Tree,  and Tonight at 10. Room 104 be there " I said then hanging up. When I kill him, I get everything I have ever wanted.  My first husband tried to leave me and I didn't let him. So he divorced me and took  everything from me and then  I was poor.  Eating crackers everynight for dinner. I finally got  tired and went back and killed him and his new wife. I killed them because if I couldn't have this life then neither  could they. I was very smart so I left nothing behind so, cops  couldnt find to me. I moved with my mother just to get on my feet. Then I got an office job and that's how I meet David. I am only killing him because of Kelly.  She just in my way and might make David leave me but this time I'll have my brothers do my dirty work.

~Flashback Over~

He started to wake up and groan softly. "Wake up nigga!" I yelled at him. He jumped at the sound of my voice. The twins were with a babysitter I hired just a few hours back. I hired her to watch them for a couple of hours, but I ordered she take them out somewhere. "Felicia what are you doing." David said coughing in between. "I'm doing what I planned to do for two years." I said kissing his forehead. He jerked back. "Kelly was right I shouldn't marry you, I think your going insane." He said. I laughed at a him and smacked him with my bare hand. I watched him as he winced in pain. 'That fat bitch knows nothing, she is nothing and is taking what I want from me, I cant live to go through that again." I yelled at him. He had a confused look on his face, it just made me want to get rid of him even more. I didn't love him

, I just loved his money. Im proud to say I'm gold-digging, back-stabbing bitch. I get what I want, when I want. I'm never living as a homeless again, I don't want my kids to know that their mother is nothing. I watched as a few tears rolled down his bloody face. " I thought you loved me, and I really was falling in love with you." He said sobbing I rolled my eyes and motioned my brother Chuck to get ready. Chuck came over and pointed the gun at his temple. "Any last words David?" I asked laughing. He looked around. " Can I please call Kelly and tell her I love her." He said sobbing harder. I picked up my phone and dialed her number. I don't even know why I had the fat bitch's number. She picked up and spoke. "Kelly, Daddy loves you with all his heart" He said quickly.  "I love you too Daddy but what's going on?" She asked, and I" moved the phone to my ear. The last time you will ever speak to him fat bitch" I said laughing and then unexpected gun shots where fired and I heard Kelly scream through the phone. Small cries were coming from the phone and I hung up and fell to the ground, more gun shots were fired as I started to black out.


OMG my dad had been shot!. I was sitting there crying my eyes in Dupree's arms. "It's going to be alright,  I'm pretty sure he is fine " Dupree whispered then kissed my forehead. I sobbed and sobbed now I'm a orphan.  I have No family to go to where am I going to go. "Dupree, baby what's wrong with Kelly?" Ms. Jackson asked. "Her stepmother killed her father, Well at least we think she did we don't know it was over the phone. " Dupree said kissing my forehead again. This night started as the best and now ending as  wrost.


I shot Felicia and her brothers.  I know my daughter thinks I'm dead, Well I'm not I had other things I had to take care of and I wanted David to rise our daughter and I happened to be in the same hotel as David and Felicia and followed them and watched her and everything that was going on. I want my life back and I'm letting some bitch come and ruin that for me.  I cleaned my gun and set it in Felicia's hand.  "Gabriel? " David said in a raspy voice,  he had been shot and needed to get to the hospital. I untied him and called police.  "Don't ask questions just follow my lead." I said waiting for the police and paramedics to show up. When they arrived, I pointed to the suspects who were wounded but not dead. "What happened here?" A police officer asked. "Drug dealers and their Sister tried to kill my husband but they ended up arguing and I came and shot the Sister and then other shots were fired." I said . He nodded while writing everything down and the rushing David and the others to the hospital.  Good come back Gabriel.  I smiled to myself and and hurried in my car and rushed to the hospital. 


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