My First Date Ever. (Fixed)

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I was sitting in English, thinking about this date. What was I going to wear, what are we are going to talk about. I haven't even told my dad yet. I'm scared to talk to Felicia about it cause she is a straight up bitch. I was interrupted from thoughts when the teacher said something about an important essay due. "Class I want you guys to write a essay about World War l or something. The bell rung and I hurried out the class before anyone. I was at my locker when the schools hottest boy came up to me. "Keyara right?" He asked. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "It's Kelly, jerk." I said walking away. I already knew that he wanted me to do his essay for him. Gosh I hate him. His name is Jerome and if he wanted to get his dick wet any girl in this school would drop to their knees and do it. Anyway, I rushed to my study hall period and went to the library. I sat there and started my essay.

~End Of The Day~

For some reason I didn't see Dupree all day. When I got home I called him and he didn't even answer. I decided to do something different with my hair. I was going to dye it. I went downstairs and went in my Dad's office. "He dad can I use your car to go to Wal-Mart real quick." I asked. He nodded because was on the phone. I grabbed his keys off his desk and ran upstairs to get my shoes. I got dressed and ran out to the car. I was about to get in the car until Megan showed up. I rolled my eyes and I huffed in frustration. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean for all this to happened." She said sincerely. "I don't care Megan, it happened." I said getting in the car and pulling off. I hurried to Wal-Mart and got my red highlighter dye, paid for it and left. I got back home and it was too silent in the house. It was pitch black and nothing was happening. I turned on the lights. Nobody was home. I went over to kitchen counter and saw a note. It read

Dear Kelly,

I have decided to give you a break from everything. So I took the twins and Felicia with me on a business trip. We will be back before the weekend is over. Be safe.
Love Daddy.

I smiled. I don't want to let dad know about Dupree just yet. I ran upstairs and started dying my ends. I finished a couple hours later and I decided to call Dupree. It rung three times and finally he answered. "Hey Love." His deep voice rang. I smiled. "Hey why weren't you at school today." I questioned. He hesitated to answer then he finally said something. "I had a family emergency." He sighed. "Is everything alright." I asked with concern. "Ya everything is cool." He said. That's great I thought. I just don't want nothing going on before my first date ever. "Well, I can't wait for our date tomorrow." I said. He chuckled. " Me neither, I have so much stuff planned for us." He said. I giggled a little bit and looked at the time. "Well Dupree, I am going to call you tomorrow." I said yawning. "Alright Bye Love." He said hanging up. I rolled over and put my phone on charger and rolled back over and went to sleep.

~Next Day~

I woke up

to what I thought was about to be the best day of my life. I rolled over and ran downstairs. I grabbed me a bowl and some Lucky Charms. I poured the milk and cereal and ate. I had basically the whole day to wait. What could I do? I thought while eating. Well I do need a new outfit, so I thought I'd hit up the mall. I finished up and went up stairs. I jumped in the shower and got out. I put on some sweats and a graphic tee and flip flops and headed out the door. My dad left the car so no need to take the bus. I grabbed the keys, locked the house up and sped walked outside to the car . Dupree sent me a text and I waited till I got in the car and put the key in the ignition to check it, it said.

Dupree: No need to buy an outfit, I got one for you meet me at my house and my sister will doll you up or whatever you girls do... Lmafoo.

I smiled and started the car and drove off. I looked out the window and looked at the world and how happy it was and now finally the first time in my life I felt happy. The first time I felt free from every pain I had in my body. I finally made it to his house and I parked in smooth driveway. I got out and knocked on the door and waited. A short tanned skinned woman came to the door. She had Brown hair with small grey strikes in it. I smiled and she smiled back. "You must be Kelly." She said. I nodded and she brought me in for a hug. I hugged her back and she invited me inside. "Dupree won't stop talking about you." Her sweet voice rang. I giggled. Just the thought of him thinking of me makes me happy. "So silly of me Karen Jackson, but you call me Karen or Ms. Jackson " She said from across the room. "Nice to meet you." I said. I started at Ms. Jackson. She had a nice body shape, her face was well rounded, her beautiful green eyes wrinkled when she smiled, and her pearly whites brighten my day just looking at them. "Want anything honey?" She asked. I shook my head as a no and laid back on the couch. I started to dose off. I didn't mean too but it did tired just trying to get over here.

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