Really Dad?!

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(For my new readers, I've fixed this chapter because too many people were getting upset about how I portrayed Felicia.)


I just dragged myself down the hall to the bathroom. Felicia was right on my tail. That woman was just ugly. Her eyes were black, her hair was grayish black, and she was a big ass woman. I sped up my pace and got in the bathroom and locked the door. I just did my hygiene thing and went back to my room.


Dad: GoodMoring Felicia hunny *kisses her*

Kelly:~Eww he kissed that ugly ass bitch~

Felicia: GoodMorning David

I sat at the table and made myself a bowl of cereal and sat there in silence eating it.

Kayla: Daddy are we going school shopping today?

David: Oh Yea! We are

Kayla: Good cause I want some new converse!

Jamar: Me too!

Felicia: Kelly what is it that  you want?

Kelly: *mumbles* for. You to go away with you kids

Felicia: What was that?

Kelly: I said just some new clothes and stuff

Kayla: That not what I heard!

Kelly: Shut Up Kayla big mouth ass!

David: Watch your mouth Kelly Arianna Jones!

Kelly: Fuck this shit! I just want my life back and Felicia and her ugly ass kids go back to where ever they came from!

I stormed off to my room. I slammed my door so hard that I could have broken it. Before my dad met Felicia we lived in a big house and he was really wealthy. But he lost it all and some  how he met Felicia and she helped him and now they are together. I used to never get bullied, or jumped back when it was just me and my dad. I hate my life now. When my dad is gone Felicia beats on me and I try to fight back but if I do he is not going to believe me and he going to only take her side.


That little fat bitch will learn one day not to mess with me and my kids. All I want is David's money so I can't be rich and my brothers can come kill his ass. This is all my plan and he doesn't know. My kids need a good life. And as for that fat bitch Kelly, she is going to be my maid after I get her daddy's money and he is dead. Just wait.

(In Store)

Kayla, Jamar, and Felicia were getting school supplies while I was picking out clothes.

David: Kelly what made you go off this morning?

Kelly: Umm cause you girlfriend Felicia always got something slick to say.

David: Kelly grow up! I raised you better than this!

Kelly: But-

David: But nothing

Kelly: This is exactly why I don't like her, you always taking her side like your her husband

David: Oh I've been meaning to tell you, but I think I going to ask Felicia to be my wife.

Kelly: The Fuck dad! Knowing we don't get along!

David: Grow up your almost 16.

Kelly: Whatever

David: Kelly Arianna Jones don't make me beat you ass in this store. You ain't too only to get a nice ass whopping

Kelly: *Laughs* Okay okay dad Ill try my best to get along with the Wicked Witch of The West

David: Good Girl *Kisses her forehead*

(Back At Home)

After that moment in the store I went straight up to my room and blasted my music so I didn't have to hear Felicia or her kids. Music is my life. I love all types of music like Rap, Rock N Roll, Pop, etc. I put my new school up and just laid in my bed till I fell asleep.

(Next Day)

My alarm clock woke me up this morning. But wait I never set my alarm clock. I rolled over to see a note on nightstand with my name on it.

Dear Kelly,

I was called in to do a business trip so, Im gone. It's only for a week. I will be back on your birthday . Please get along with Felicia and Kayla and Jamar. Oh there is an early birthday gift for you in box with holes in it. It from you Aunt Carrie.

Love Daddy

I smile and looked around for the box and there it was by my window. On the top was holes in it, I opened it and there lay a sleeping yorkie puppy. I was happy and jumped up and down. The dog woke and and started wagging it tail. I picked it up and he licked all over my face.  I new exactly what I was naming him and that was Levi.  I needed to buy pet stuff so I got dressed and walk to the nearest pet shop that was only 3 blocks away. I got in there and I didn't know what to buy. I saw an employ at the desk so I walked up to him and asked for help.

Kelly: Umm Hi Sir can you help me?

???: Sure Beautiful what can I do for you

Kelly: *Blushes* Umm I just got a yorkie puppy but I don't know what I need for him.

???: Well Im Dupree, but your going to have to register here so you can get him his monthly shots

Kelly: Okay

I sat Levi down and he roamed the store. I filled out paper work and things and I got back up.

Kelly: Levi!?

Levi came running towards me and sat next me.

Dupree: Okay Ms. Jones here is his starter food, a leash, and a water bowl.

Kelly: Just call me Kelly *smiles*

Dupree: Okay Kelly can you put Levi Up here so I can give him is shots.

Levi got his shots and I got Dupree's number. He was sexy as fuck! He was light skin, with green eyes, brown hair, and big muscles. That boy was a dream. Every time I close my eyes I see him.


Its Not Real Short But Sorry I got tired and didn't  know what to put in there

Sorry for mistakes if there is any


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