Liars Never Win

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~3 weeks later~

Dupree has been trying to talk to me everyday since I found out he cheated. I just hate sick bastards like that.  I have got closer to Megan and Victoria a little bit. I was walking to the bus stop getting ready to go home. My phone was buzzing in my bag so I hurried to answer. "Hello." I said "Hey Kelly Its Megan wanna hang today." Megan said. I thought about it for awhile and the spoke. "I'll have to ask my Dad." I said. She was quite for a while and then replied. "Alright call me when you find out." She said sounding irritated. "Okay Megan." I said.  I was still waiting until Dupree came over to me. He tried to hug me, but I ducked and moved away from him. He looked at me confused and came closer to me. "Kelly, why are you acting so distant lately?" He asked confused.  I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Beacuse your a sick filthy bastard." I said boldly. He looked at me like I killed his mama or some shit. "Kelly, what that hell are you talking about, I have never cheated in my life." He shouted. I walked away from him and started to walk home. He followed me and didn't get the memo. "Kelly!" He shouted. I ignored him and crossed the street. Lair, I thought. He caught up with me and grabbed my arm and swung me around. "What Dupree!" I yelled. "Look, I don't know what someone told you but whatever it was, it was probably a lie." He said breathing really hard. "Your ex Megan said you was messing around with other girls while y'all we're together. " I spat. He laughed and shook his head. " Megan, is a lying ass bitch.  She paid me to go out with her and I cut her off couple weeks ago. She is just mad cause she ain't got this dick no more and now she'll be a lonely ass bitch." He laughed. I shook my head to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "How do you even know her." He asked. I just couldn't believe what I just heard. Why didn't I see this coming. "I use to be real good friends with her, and I heard y'all broke up so I added her on Facebook and she gave me her. I called her and she told me that you cheated on her." I said confused. He laughed. He grabbed my hand and he started walking in a different direction. "Hey can we stop by Megan house?" I asked. He nodded and guided me to his car.

~Megan's House~

I stood on her steps and rung her door bell. I waited awhile and finally a short mixed woman opened the door. "May I help you?" She questioned.  I nodded. "Umm is Megan home." I asked. She walked away and then Megan came. I grabbed her small arm and dragged her outside. "Ow Kelly your hurting me." she yelled. I didn't care i was about to give her a piece of my mind. "Your low down and dirty, I  knew I should of never trusted you. This is middle school all over again. Your paying people to do stuff and you lied to me again. I asked you did you steal that money from the teacher and said no and then lied and blamed it on me and I got kicked out that school. Your a real bitch you know that, I hope you rot in hell." I shouted. I walked away from her. My eyes were beginning to tear up. I put all my trust in her because she was my only real friend I had. Its hard being the fat girl. I kicked trash cans over and other stuff to. People where outside just staring, I didn't care. Dupree grabbed me and pulled me to the car and got me in. He got in and drove off.  I cried the whole ride. I was just to blinded by her nice words and things to even notice that she was using me. I loved that school, even though the kids bullied me, I still enjoyed the class we had. "Love where do you live?" Dupree asked. I wiped my face and finally spoke. "4078 W 2nd street. I said sniffling. He nodded. I guess he was taking me home.

We pulled up in front of my house and I got out and started walking towards my house. "Kelly, wait!" Dupree shouted. He came over by me and pushed my hair that was all over out of my face. "I don't want you to ever feel alone again. You got me." He said touching my face. We were so close right now that paper would have a hard time getting through. I smiled at his comment and looked away. He moved my face, so it was facing him. "Would you like to go on a date with me this weekend." He asked. I nodded and we came in closer and soon we were kissing. This kiss amazing. I never knew I was a good kisser. He deepened the kiss and I could just feel the sparks going off. I pulled away and smiled. "I should go." I said softly. He nodded and pecked my lips once more and ran over to his car and got in. I waved at him and watch him drive off. I bit my lip. God that could be mine I said proudly walking into my house. I just ignored everything and everyone and went up to room, changed and went to sleep to dream about the kiss.


Aww sweet, I'm too tired to write another one soooo,

But anyway I hope you guys are going to submit a entry for the contest which starts on Feb 1st.. Don't Forget and also we are starting a new story called The Married Man's Mistresses'!  ooo la la. Lmafoo.  So be looking for that.

10.1k! !!!  Whoooo!


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