4 Secrets Never Stay Secret For Long

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Chapter 4

Trent McCoy

If people had considered me to be smug before, I certainly am smug now. We did it.  We pulled it off. Not to sound like I didn’t have any doubts.

I pull off from complimenting Alyssa since I’d rather her not have the upper hand in knowing she had impressed me yet again. The more I get to know her, the more she surprises me. “So where’d you learn to dance like this?” I ask instead.

“Well, let’s just say that I was taught at an early age.” She winks,

“So now you’re going to do the winking?”

“Maybe.” She smiles.

“So tell me.” I start.

“Tell you what?”

“Tell me something about yourself. Might as well know a thing or two about the girl I am dating… other than the fact that you like photography.” She smiles.

“I will, if you will.”

“Fine.” I shrug. She takes a deep breath.

“Where do I start?”

“Anywhere. Just shoot a random fact.”

“Err… how about we just ask each other what we want to know about one another.”

“Alright. Alyssa Millers, how old are you?”

“How old do I look?”

“I asked first.” I smirk.


“Cool. Which school do you attend?”

“None. I’m home-schooled, well…” she pauses, “tutored.”


“Yup. Now, my turn.” She smiles, “Trent McCoy, why aren’t you so keen on dating. And don’t give me that vague explanation you gave me at the gardens.” I sigh.

“Well, I guess it’s because I want to live my life first. I want to travel and have fun. You know, being a billionaires son has its perks but it certainly limits your freedom.”


“Because you have to live up to other people’s expectations. I have to uphold the family name.” I pause, “I’ll be inheriting my father’s company soon, once I’m old enough. And so people expect me to…” I trail off.

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