Chapter 2

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Well, this is awkward.

William sat at one of the numerous tables in the briefing room. Alone. Housing about two hundred assassins at a time, it was a very dangerous place to be. There were a few round tables here and there that could sit a team of eight. There were also long stretched out tables who could hold about thirty people on each side, and the room was packed. William had just barely gotten a chance to snag a seat for himself when he noticed the looming hand grenade they called a conference.
"Never really was a smart idea to have to many of us in one place," he mumbled, knowing he was right. Since they got here there had already been three fights, and who knows how many robberies. This was a home for the underbelly of society.
And he was home.

"Alright listen up you jackass degenerates!" A voice called down from the second story, just above the mess hall. It was the announcer for our little rabble, and he looked exhausted and disgusted.
Yeah, we left an impression of both of those on people. "I got good news and bad news, the good news is the past jobs went off without a hitch, so we're getting full paychecks all around," that got a round of applause out of everyone. "The bad news," he closed his eyes and looked like he was seriously ticked off or depressed. What happened? As if he read Williams mind the announcer took a long deep breath before he answered with the one thing none of them wanted to hear. "The Enforcers know about our meeting hall. They have a large group of police on in route to make arrests."
The whole hall went quiet, we all knew what that meant. We only had two options; fight our way out, or escape before they got here. William stood as did a large number of the others, their way of saying 'not today' as they went for the garage. They picked up their paychecks on the way out and knew the announcer would let them know about the new location.

William hopped on his motorcycle with its lovely gloss black paint job, threw on his riding glasses and took off. He made it about half way home before he heard sirens behind him. Alot of sirens, and not heading towards the city. He gently increased the speed until he saw the three police cars almost right behind him, and then he gunned it like a bat out of hell. He hit 210 mph about thirty seconds after hitting the throttle. God he loved his modded bikes, even if they weren't legal and if he was caught it would be about four years in prison.
The police picked up speed gradually behind him but he out ran them along the stretch of road they were on and hid him and his bike behind a crop of trees just before the police went by. He gave it a few minutes and took the winding back roads through the woods to get home, where he saw something that more then severely pissed him off.
Merlin sitting in the back of a squad car, unconscious. Two officers stood outside of it laughing. William took one long breath before he changed. His clothing was ripped apart as he grew to a full six foot eight monster. His hair covered his whole body with a light brown, amd his eyes were crimson red. His canine teeth grew out an inch each and his nails turned to claws.
Die motherfuckers.
He ran out and caught the first one completely unaware by the leg and threw him a few feet away. The other guy hit him with a baton, so William clawed him down the chest, nearly cutting him in half. The other one was on his feet and put two rounds in his leg, which succeeded in almost bringing him down.
I can't go down, I won't.
He pushed off the ground with his feet and launched at the officer, catching him by the throat and pinning him on the trunk of his squad car.
"Who sent you?" He just barely let go of his throat so he could speak.
He gasped for air, "Karma... He... He wanted us to... Get you out of the way..."
William calmed and turned back to his human form, shaking his head.
"Was that so hard?" He broke the guys neck with a single twist.
He opened the door to the back of the car and pulled Merlin out. He had fresh bruises on his face and the back of his head was bleeding.
"Five more minutes grandma..." He said as he rubbed his eyes and focused on remembering what happened.
His eyes shot open and he jumped up, ready to fight, then realized they were dead.
"You greedy son of a bitch, didn't even leave one for me?"
He stopped and looked around, then at William and winked. "I know I'm sexy, but that doesn't mean you just strip when I'm around," we smiled a devilish grin. "You could wait till we're in the house."
William let out a light hearted laugh, "Not even in your dreams."
They walked up to the house and double checked everything, to make sure they didn't take the back up passports or any of the weapons or gear. William was upstairs getting clothes on when he heard Merlin curse, "They took the beer!" He said in an irritated tone, "I love that stuff, bastards!"
"Of course you would bitch about that."
He came up the stairs and into Williams bedroom, his weapons were layed out on his bed a few inches from where he was sitting, looking down at something. It was a small picture, obviously important with how clean it was and how he looked at it. Like it made his heart jump and sink at the same time.
He had his dark cargo pants on with black tactical boots, a shirt sitting on top of some of the weapons. The lack of shirt revealed many of Williams scars, from stabs to bullet wounds, including the fresh two he had on his leg which he dressed and cleaned already. These wounds revealed his story, of all the things he had done to protect the people he loved and how far he was willing to go to keep them safe.
"What's with the picture, man?" He was kinda worried, he'd never seen that face on William before. He looked up at him with a sad smile, "Nothing, just something to remind me of something to remind me of the old me." He stared down at the picture of him and a beautiful girl, they were dressed for a dance.
He cleared his throat putting the picture in his pocket and throwing on his shirt.
"Ready for war?" He said with an evil grin. He had a battle vest on with two rifles across his back, 3 knives on his left leg, a short sword across his right, and 3 pistols including his .45 colt.
Merlin let out a low appreciative whistle, " You definitely are, give me about ten and I'll be ready, what are we taking?"
"I call the '70."
Merlin gave him a droll stare, "Of course you do, I got the GTR then, always loved that silver."

A few minutes passed and they were both ready, their bags in the cars. They drove out of the drive way and started heading for town, they were gonna need alot more then just them if they wanted Karma.

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