Chapter 8

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"William, take a breathe man, you need to calm down before you do something stupid."
William just sat in the room they had been in when everything happened, up against a wall in the corner looking at a picture.
"Brother, did you hear me?"
"Yeah.." his voice cracked as fresh tears dried on his cheeks.
Cody stared, completely surprised and worried at his friend, he'd never seen him like this.
"What's the picture for?"
He gave a sad smile as he remembered when it was taken.
"Its of me and Scarlet, from a long time ago. We were at a dance, she was so happy," his smile widened, "I even got to slow dance with her. It was one of my absolute best moments." He looked up at Cody, steel determination in his eyes.
"I'm going to bring her back, and tell her how I feel, and show her I've changed." The next moment Joe walked in with Merlin, who was doing recon on some of Karma's pansy-ass lackeys.
"Found one, he knows where they took her. We got a guy tailing him and we'll know soon."
"Thanks man."
"Always," then suddenly he smacked him upside the head. William glared at him, "The fuck was that for?"
"Don't be worrying about her, she can handle herself, you know that."
"Doesn't stop me."
"I know man, look-" his phone began to ring. He answered and walked out of the room. When he came back in he had a half smile on his face.
"What are you smiling about?"
" We found her."
William's heart almost stopped at those words. He stood up faster then lightening and hugged Merlin.
"Thank you brother, thank you!"
"No problem, let's bring her home."

She woke up on a red and black sheeted bed. Her head was throbbing, and she felt a huge bruise.
Oh you bitches should have killed me...
She went to stand and storm out of them room to knock some heads together, but her leg was chained to the foot of the bed. She giggled and smiled as she easily broke the chain and walked out of the room. The two big guys guarding the door stared at her shocked.
"What? You thought I was weak or something cupcake?" A second later she sinned on her heel and kicked one in the chin, knocking him on the floor. The other was about to take a step towards her until a loud gritty voice came up from behind her.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you buddy, I'm really sure she can hurt you."
She turned and looked Karma dead in the face, "Where am I, and where the fuck are my friends?"
"Your in my home and your idiots are back at the docks were we left them."
"And what's stopping me from kicking your ass and getting back to those idiots?" Karma smiled at her sassy threats, and winked, "Careful bitch, you caught me off guard once, you won't do it again."
"Really?" She decked him directly in the mouth, sending him back a few feet. "Looks like I'm doing just fine right now, caught you off guard again?"
"Bitch, you are really lucky I need you to bring your boyfriend here."
"Two things: one, it's the bitch to you big guy, and two, he isn't my boyfriend." Karma smiled wildly at her, and laughed, causing her anger to flare. She took a step towards him and swung, only to have him catch it effortlessly.
"You really didn't see it in his eyes did you? He cares about you, and that will be his down fall. Those eyes can't lie, and neither can you. From your look there might not be anything there now, but there was," he licked his lips and looked her up and down, "and I can see why, your a fine piece of ass."
"Don't worry about my ass, and I honestly hope he doesn't come," she grabs his wrist with her other hand and starts to twist his wrist, causing him to wince, "That means I can kick your ass myself." She finally let go as the big guy behind her stood up and hit her in the head again. She turned to punch him, but Karma stood up like lightning and put her in a sleeper hold. She fought in with all she had, but eventually she blacked out.

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