Chapter 11

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"No... No..."
"She's mine now."
Karma's maniacal laugh echoed in William's ears as he shot up in the passenger seat of his car.
"You ok man?" Cody asked with a hint of worry.
"Yeah.. bad dream."
"Scarlet?" He cracked a smile as William growled at him, "You love her man, what's wrong with that?"
William looked out the window, thinking of how best to answer his question.
"What if she doesn't though? What if i'm just being an idiot like always?"
"What if your over thinking and panicking over nothing?"
That succeeded in making him smile "That sounds like me alright."
Cody laughed a little, them both forgetting for a second that they were going to kill Karma.
"You boys alive?" Merlin's voice cracked as his arcastic question came over the walkie.
"Sadly, unless your ass died and we're stuck in hell with you for eternity."
"Shut up bitch, you'd love it. We're ten minutes out."
William's heart began to pick up speed and he started breathing a little faster, he was panicking over what they might see. He pulled out the picture of him and Scarlet and the small black box he kept in his glove compartment.
He smiled as he ran his thumb over the picture of them, then opened the box. Inside was a small tan and white crystal on a black necklace band. He had gotten it for her but they ended before he could give it to her.
Not this time...
William closed the box and put it in his pocket with the picture, then he pulled his lucky colt .45 from the center console and a case of hollow points.
"What are those for?" Cody asked both surprised and excited.
"Karma." He said simply, loading and filling only one magazine before switching to normal rounds for the other two.
A few minutes later they pulled off to the side of the road. Karma's house was a few blocks away and there was a short cut to the side through the woods. They were dead silent as they loaded their weapons and put on their gear, they all knew this was going to be hard. But they'd been through worse.
"Everyone ready?" Merlin had his AUG on a sling over his shoulder as he walked towards everyone else. They all nodded, Cody and Joe falling in behind Merlin while William took up the rear. They made it 10 yards into the woods before Merlin stopped them.
"What is it?" William walked right up to Merlin, and froze as he saw it too. The ground in the woods was lined with silver producing land mines.
And they managed to walk into a complete field.
Joe smirked as he stepped past them and shifted into his lycan form, sprinting through the field and making it all the way to the wall, which led to a window.
"I hate it when he makes sense. Good thing we brought back up clothes." William smiled as they all shifted, and followed suit. On the balcony they went back to their human forms and put on some fresh clothes. Just as they finished and opened the door, a painful scream came from the stairs on the other side of the room.
"Scarlet.." William sprinted towards the stairs.

Scarlet had tears running down her eyes, her face, stomach and arms were bruised. But she didn't cry over the punches, Karma had branded a 'K' on her shoulder.
"You son of a bitch I'll rip out your heart!" She screamed at him as he stood over her and smiled. He walked closer, and she braced for the kick to the ribs. But it never came. She looked up and saw Karma frozen, a mix of terror and fear in his eyes as he looked past her at the monitors which showed every camera on in the house.
"Shit.." He turned towards the door as it was literally kicked down. The hallway was too dark to see into, aside from a set of burning hazel eyes which she couldn't help but smile at. Karma took a step back as William took one forward, entering the room. He glared at Karma before looking over at her. He looked her up and down seeing the bruises and blood, along with the wires hooked up to her.
"Can you hold on just a little longer?"
"Mhm, kick his ass teddy bear." They both stopped for a second at the unexpected nickname slip, and William smiled.
"You got it babe girl." He turned and walked straight for Karma, who ran to the table and started searching desperately.
Oh hell no.
He grabbed Karma by the shoulder and turned him, decking him so hard that he flew over the table and into the wall. He then pulled his .45 and angled it at him, but hesitated as he heard him laughing.
"I told you..." He turned with a remote in his hand and hit a button, a powerful electric shock going into Scarlet as she screamed. William dropped his pistol and ran to her, ripping off the wires as they jolted him too. He fell to his knees and lifted her face with both hands to see it. She seemed to be in and out of consciousness, but she looked up at him finally.
"Teddy bear?" Those words alone melting his heart, he removed her bindings and wrapped his arms around her.
"I thought I lost you..." his eyes began to tear as he held her. She squeezed him and smiled, knowing he really was afraid. "I'm not going anywhere."
William remembered Karma and stood after kissing her forehead, but froze when he turned and saw him with his pistol angled at him.
"Checkmate." He smiled as he fired. A hollow point landing in the center of Williams chest and sending him to the floor.

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