Chapter 12

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She stared at William, on the ground. She thought he was dead until he coughed up a little blood, which gave her a strange feeling, A mix of hot and cold in her stomach and chest. Standing to turn and look at Karma, The feeling bursted into fire and rage, like a flood gate being opened.
"You... you... you son of a bitch!" She tackled him to the ground, slapping the gun out of his hands. Her anger was unleashed as she unloaded blow after blow to his face. He tried to get his hands up but her punches were too strong. Merlin came in as she was hitting him, seeing William on the ground.
"Joe! Cody! Get in here, now!" He put his walkie back in its pouch and tried to stop the bleeding.
"Don't you die on me you son of bitch!" Tears misted in his eyes as he kept pressure on it. Joe and Cody came in the room a moment later, Joe trying to help with William and Cody pulling Scarlet off of Karma before she killed him.
"Scarlet, listen to me!"
"I'll fucking kill him!"
"Scarlet!" Cody turned her to look at William on the ground, "Do you want him to die? He needs you, you're the only one who can keep him awake."
She stared over at them as Merlin pushed his hands on the wound. Her heart going from anger to fear, she ran to his side.
"Thanks," Karma coughed and went to stand, "thought she was going to kill- " his words were cut off as Cody hit him so hard he was unconscious before he hit the ground.
"That's for William you piece of shit."

"William? Can you hear me?" Her voice was trembling as she layed her hands down next to his.
"Babe girl?"
She froze and looked into his sad hazel eyes as he smiled at her, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." His hand squeezed hers as Merlin pulled a morphine tank and a breathing mask out of his bag.
"You need to rest man we're gonna get you to a hospital."
"Keep her safe..." He put the mask over him and a moments later he was out cold.

Yup.. feels about right..
William shifted over a little in the hospital bed as he finally woke. His left hand was asleep and something was on top of it. He rolled his head over and his heart rate doubled.
Holy shit...
Scarlet was fast asleep, her head laying on top of her hand and his. She was snoring lightly and William couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she looked, how beautiful she always looked. He subconsciously started rubbing her cheek with his thumb, which sent a chill over him.
William, you know she might not want you doing this.
He couldn't help it, he missed her so much, when he was around her he couldn't control himself. When he stopped and went to pull away her head lifted a little and she stared at him with sleepy, loving eyes.
"Are you ok?"
"Been worse, glad to see you." She blushed a little and buried her face in her elbow, covering it in the most adorable way. He couldn't help but smile and laugh, making him feel like how he use to.
"What time is it?"
"Almost midnight, Joe and Merlin took Karma back to your place and Cody went to a hotel near by."
"What about you? Staying with Cody?" She seemed to turn a little shy at that question.
"Can I stay here with you?"
His heart nearly stopped at those words. Months of pain and sadness disappeared in a fraction of a second, and all he could think about was holding her against him.
"Of course you can." She climbed up into the bed on his side and layed on top of him, using him as a pillow and falling asleep not long after. He stared at her as millions of thoughts and emotions ran through him.
Please don't just be a dream...
He hated the idea of it being one, wanting this to be real and forever. She shifted a little to get comfortable on her breathing pillow, and he had to take a deep breathe just to keep from shaking.
If it is a dream, I don't want it to end.
He yawned as sleep crept up on him. Wrapping his arms around her to keep her warm and close to him, he finally fell asleep to her beautiful scent.

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