I Need To Know

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


The minute Dee closed her eyes to go to sleep I got up and walked to our room where her purse was. I sat down on the edge of the bed and began to go through the big bag, hoping and praying that I didn't find anything out of the ordinary like any unexplained receipts or hotel cards.

In the front pocket I found a napkin with the name Gryphon on it.

"Gryphon?" I said to myself out loud. Other than the napkin I didn't find anything.

I walked back towards the living room where her little purse that she carried with her that night was and pulled her phone out. I held my breath as I scrolled through looking for anything that had Odell's name on it. I wanted to know if they still talked or if they had seen each other since that night.

After checking though her text messages and emails, I went through her social media pages, I didn't find anything there.

Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief I went to her contacts and found his name and number there, I wanted to crush the phone in my bare hands.

Were they still talking? How often? When?

I put the phone back in her bag and then walked towards our room to take a shower to help me calm down. As I washed my body off, thoughts and images began to float through my mind.

I tried to shove the images out with memories of our life together but they weren't as strong as my curiosities. I could see him on top of her, having sex with her and I could also see her liking it!

In the past month I tried to throw myself into my two new temporary jobs while also still sending off my resume to firms around the state of California. I was willing to relocate if I was offered the right position. I worked my fingers to the bone hoping that time would erase what had went down in Vegas.

It hadn't.

Every waking hour I thought about my wife being with that man and anytime one of his commercials came on our tv, I wanted to smash it with a bat. We couldn't seem to escape him, the public and the media seemed obsessed with him because he was everywhere!

I tried to let things get back to normal but every time I looked at her I wanted to ask her about the night. It was really bothering me and I wanted to know details.

When she wanted to make love, I would try to block out the torturous images and try my best to please her but I always spent most of that time wondering if she was comparing us.

I noticed that there were a few little things that she did differently in bed and I wondered if he taught her those things. Whenever she recommended a new position I would refuse because I could only see her learning that from him.

She seemed to be able to move on as if none of this was bothering her at all and I couldn't see why not because it was driving me crazy.

After getting out of the shower I went back to the living room and picked up my naked wife from the floor and though I wanted to wake her up and demand answers I didn't want it to go down like that.

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