Ready For This

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


Angry wasn't exactly the best word that could describe how I felt that day, but I had to try my best to remain cool on the outside for Danielle. She had been panicking since the article hit the net. I had originally thought her ex was behind it, only to find out that it was in fact his ex getting back at him. It made the situation that much more difficult to handle. If it was him that did it, then the situation would have been more clear cut to handle. Whoever this Shannon girl was she didn't know who she was messing with and I was about to make her life real interesting.

"Do you know what you want baby?" I asked Danielle purposely ignoring the media members who were trying to sneak pictures of us out at dinner through the window.

"I really don't have an appetite for anything." She said turning her head to whisper in my ear.

I kissed her shoulder.

"I'll order for you." I knew all of this added attention had her on edge because I could feel her leg bobbing under the table. I placed my hand on her thigh. "Take a deep breath." I instructed her softly.

We were eating dinner at Lincoln Square Steak, one of the most exclusive fine dining restaurants in New York. It's signature painted red walls and gold accents added to the ambience and set the mood for a romantic night. Danielle and I were sitting side-by-side at the round table that also included Vic and Elaine and Shep and Chanel.

It had been awkward because of the elephant sitting in the room. Danielle and I didn't feel the need to explain the situation so we acted as if our name wasn't even in the news. I smoothly placed our orders when the waitress arrived. I got her the oven roasted Sea Bass and ordered myself the Porterhouse Steak.

"O, I guess you're picking up the check since you like to give out money." Vic said then laughed.

His comment actually broke the ice at the table and we glazed over what really happened in small conversation.

"I swear," Shep said, "where do they get these sources from who come up with these stories?"

I could feel Danielle's leg shaking again and I put my hand under the table to still her. I kissed her on the side of her face.

"Baby, you gotta calm down.

"I'm trying." She responded.

"The media will print anything to get traffic to their websites." Elaine chimed in. "It's so sad."

I thought about Elaine's own big run-in with the media after she sent Vic's side chicks a text introducing them all. Vic had been furious at her when that story broke. He couldn't believe she had put their business out on front street the way she did. At the time she didn't care, she put him out of the house and he tried to mess around with some other girl but he ended up finding his way back to Elaine like he always did.

As much as Vic was doing behind her back he just couldn't leave her alone. He told us it was because he loved her too much. I didn't understand why she kept taking him back but I guess love made you do crazy things sometimes.

Who was I to judge? I know for a fact that Danielle would never do anything like what Elaine did, she would just leave my ass and be done with the relationship altogether.

"That's why you shouldn't do or say anything that's gonna give them ammunition." Vic said eyeing Elaine.

"If people would respect their relationship, there wouldn't be anything to share."

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