I Could Use A Little Fun

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


I looked into the rearview mirror of my car and wiped my eyes to remove the remnants of the tears I had cried. I don't know how I got through that dinner without begging Dee to take me back or crying but I did.

I honestly didn't think she could really look me in my face and tell me that she didn't want me anymore. I didn't think she had it in her. We had been through so much as a couple in the decade we had been together.

OBJ wasn't our first temptation or trial. There were other men and other women that tried to come between us before but they all failed. Besides the money and stability that he could provide, I didn't know what else she saw in this character.

That's what he was to me, a character, a phony, a fraud, a thief.

I stepped out of my car. After I left dinner with Dee I made the two hour drive to my dad's house. I needed to see him right away and draw from his strength because I felt like my entire world was falling apart.

I took off my jacket and threw it into the passenger seat and made my way inside of his house.

"Pops." I called throughout the house and when he didn't answer I knew where I would find him and walked straight there.

I opened the glass door in the back of my childhood home and found my dad sitting on the porch in the backyard just looking at his plants. My mother's favorite flower, the Erythrina was placed in prominence in front of him. Whenever he was thinking of her he would do this.

Not wanting to intrude on his time, I quietly stepped onto the patio and sat down in the chair next to him.

"How'd it go?"

"I signed the papers."

My dad looked over at me in shock, "she really went through with it?"

"She did." I nodded looking at flower that reminded me of my mom.

It was a unique red flower that to the naked eye was weird looking but she loved it.

I looked back at my dad, "I did as you said and kept my head high the entire time. But I'm not gonna lie, it hurts." I admitted to him.

"It's gonna hurt son," my dad nodded, "but if she wants a divorce there is nothing you can do about it, you can't force her to stay if she doesn't want to."

"I honestly thought we were going to be together for life..." I sighed resting my arms on my thighs.

"We all did son," his dad chimed in, "as much as we didn't like the way you two ran off and got married, we knew that there was real love between you both."

"Is this the part where you tell me that you were right about us getting married so young."

"I don't like being right," he said with regret, "we as parents just wanted you both to live a little to prevent something like this."

"I love her and I can't help how I feel about her."

"Whatever you two argued about had to be something serious for you to just leave the way you did."

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