You Have To Decide

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.


I couldn't help myself I needed to feel her lips again so I lowered my head and touched her lips softly. I swear I heard a whimper escape from her mouth instantly getting to me.

My phone began to ring inside of my pocket. I didn't care who it was, I was not about to stop what I was doing.

"You know you wanna be wit me as much as I want to be witchu." I whispered against her lips trying my best to get her to let her guard down.

She didn't answer instead she ran her hand through my hair and deepened our kiss. My phone kept going off inside of my pocket and I was tempted to throw it against the wall.

"You better answer that." She said breathily releasing my mouth, "it sounds like somebody is trying to reach you."

I reluctantly pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked down to see Yesenia's name. I was so close to Danielle that she could also see the name on the screen as well.

I knew I shouldn't have answered my phone.

"Really?" She looked at me and shook her head. "You did all of this and you haven't even dealt with anything on your end?"

"I was going to-"

"Wrong answer." She said trying to move me from in front of the door.

"I told you that girl doesn't mean nothing to me!" I argued.

"Does she know that?" She asked, "or are you playing with her feelings too?"


"Don't Mya me Dell, you are still playing games!" She argued.

I just put my head down because even though I wasn't trying to play games, she was right. I hadn't told Yesenia or any other girl that I was messing with that I was done or trying to get back with her. It's not like I was trying to lead anybody on, it just wasn't a priority on my list.

From the moment Danielle stepped foot in Otto's house I hadn't been able to get her off my mind since. I tried to sleep with Yesenia when I got upstairs but knowing Danielle was a level below us killed my mood.

When we left the party and got to Yesenia's place, I tried again to have sex with her but I still couldn't get Danielle out of my head. It was as if she had brought that damn voodoo doll to Jersey with her and it had put a lock on my dick.

I made up some story to Yesenia about not feeling well and left her apartment. I called Shep and all but bribed my boy into giving me Danielle's new address. He told me if Chanel found out I got it from him she was going to kill him. I told him my lips were sealed. With the connections I had in the city, I could have gotten her address from anyone as far as she was concerned.

Once I got to Danielle's apartment that night, I didn't expect for her to send me away, not the way she did. She wouldn't even let me up to talk. My mind went crazy wondering if someone else was at her spot. I had imagined that we were going to spend that night making up all over her new place, but it went nothing as I had planned.

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