Chapter 10

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(The song is Ill always be around)
*month latter*

It's been a month and a half of me being in this hospital. There were days where I refused treatment, but other day I wouldn't. Today was my last day here. I could tell I gained a lot of weight. My amazing thigh gap I had was gone and I can't see my rib cage. I'm really upset, but it's for the best. My cuts healed all the way. The cuts may heal, but the scars will never fade. I sat on my bed just staring at all my scars. Those days are over.

"Good afternoon Jessica. It's time for you to go."

Nurse Cathy said. We bonded a lot while I was here. I'm happy to leave this place, but I'm sad to leave Cathy . She became a really good friend. She walked me out to the front of the building. I had to sign some papers before I left.

"Hey, nurse Cathy, thanks for everything. I really appreciate you helping me."

"No problem hun, it's my job to help people. Now please promise me that I won't see you anywhere in this build the again. "

"I promise."

I ran and gave her a hug. She was more than a friend to me, she was like a mom that I never had.

"Well, looks like a special someone is here to take you home ."

I turned around and saw Otto walking into the building. His eyes lit up when he saw me. I walked over to him and he gave me a big hug.

"Hey jess. I've missed you sooooo much." He dragged out the o in so.

"I missed you too Otto. How is everyone?" I'm referring to Awsten and Geoff.

"Everyone's good, and excited to see you."

We walked out of the hospital and got into ottos car. He was smiling really big.

"What's with the big smile, you can't be that excited to see me."

"I am really excited to see you, and you'll see soon why I'm smiling really big."

The ride home was quiet, but it was a comforting silence. We arrived at my apartment. We walked up the flights of stairs and got to my room. Otto looked really eager for me to open the door.

"Is a crazy monster going to pop out when I open my door?" I laughed.

Otto just shook his head and gestured me to open the door. I opened the door and was treated by balloons, confetti, and a huge banner that says welcome home.

"WELCOME HOME JESSICA!" Awsten and Geoff yelled jumping up from behind my couch.

There was a cake on the table. I was so surprised that they went through all of this mess just for me.

"Oh my gosh guys, you didn't have to do this. Why did you go through all of this trouble for me? How did you even do this?" I said pushing through the thousands of balloons on the floor.

"Well, we thought it would be necessary for a worm welcoming, and you gave me your keys before you went to the hospital. We are glad that you're back and healthy again." Otto said hugging me.

"Thank you so much. You guys are amazing, and that cake looks amazing."

Everyone walked over to the cake and Otto started to cut everyone a slice.

"So we are almost done recording our album, it's coming out pretty good. I'm really proud of it." Awsten said.

"That's good, I can tell you guys put hard work towards this album."

"Yeah, it was really stressful, but I have a good feeling about this album." Geoff stated.

Awsten turned on tv and placed it on some random channel.

"Hey, we'll give you a sneak peak of one of our songs, but you can't tell anyone about it."

"That's cool, and who would I tell? You guys are the only friends I truly have."

"Okay, well don't tell us about the song." Awsten said.

I just laughed. He took out his phone and plugged it into my speakers I had.

"This song is called I'll always be around."

They played the song and I fell in love with it. It was such a really good song with such a good message.

"OMG this is such a good song. You guys did such a good job."

"Thanks, but you should really say that to Otto. He was the one who wrote it." Awsten said.

"Wow Otto, that was such a great song. You are such a great writer."

Otto looked puzzled and looked at Awsten. Awsten did some kind of gesture and Otto nodded.

"Yeah, I wrote the song. Thanks, I wouldn't say I'm a great writer, I would just say I'm a decent one ."

We all laughed and just joked around. We had so much fun that I didn't know it was 1:39.

"Oh wow, I didn't know it was this late. You guys can stay the night if you want to." I suggested.

"Are you sure? We can go home." Awsten said.

"No I insist, and I kind of don't want to be alone. I'll get the blow up mattress."

I walked in my room and went in the closet for my blow up mattress. I opened the closet door to find pictures of very skinny girls. I had pictures like this everywhere. I hurried up and tore them all down. I'm not going down that path again I just got better. I then remembered that there was pictures like this all in my kitchen cabinets. I ran to the kitchen and opened up all the cabinets, tearing out all the pictures of these skinny models.

"What's going on back there, everything's okay?" Awsten asked.

"Yeah everything's fine." I said throwing away all the pictures

I looked over in my living room and noticed that Otto wasn't in there. He must just be using the bathroom. I then remembered that all my blades where in there. I walked over to the bathroom and noticed that the door was closed. Don't panic Jessi, theses nothing I should be panicking about. I went back to my closet and got the blow up mattress and the pump. I brought all of it into the living room. I was starting to pump air into the mattress, but Geoff said that we would do it. Otto walked over to the mattress and jumped on it while Geoff was blowing it up.

"Really Otto, I was almost done." Geoff pouted.

"So, do you guys want to watch a movie. How about a scary one." Otto suggested.

Everyone agreed,And we started watching the cabin in the woods. I saw this movie about a thousand times, and I still manage to jump at all the jump scares. I would always hold onto Otto when I would get scared, he didn't mind it. I started to  get really tired. My eyes were slowly shutting until they were completely closed.

I soon felt my body being lifted into the air. I slowly opened my eyes to see Otto carrying me into my room. He carefully laid me in the bed and was about to walk out.

"Wait." I said very quietly. I was surprised he heard me.

"What's up?" Otto said sitting on the side of my bed.

"Thanks for everything. For this little surprise, and just being there for me. No one has ever done something like this for me."

"No problem. The boys and I will always be here for you Jessi, no matter what." He kissed my forehead and started towards the door.

"You'll never leave me Otto, right?" I asked.

"I'll always be around." Otto said and then he walked out

I smiled and started getting comfortable in my bed. It's been a month since I slept in my own bed. My eyes got really heavy and I was soon asleep.

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