Chapter 25

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Otto, Awsten, Geoff, and I all went out to go and eat. We decided to have an early thanksgiving dinner since I'm going to my parents for thanksgiving. We decided to just go to Golden Corral., and then walk around the city.

"Awsten, do you even know how to drive? Stay on one side of the freaking road. Were all going to die before we get there." I scolded as the reckless driver kept jumping from lane to lane.

"I know how to drive. It's these fucking idiots who are in front of me who don't know how to drive." He then started honking and cursing out someone's who jumped in front of him.

"When did Awsten get all of this road rage?" I asked Otto.

"He's been having road rage since he started driving. I'm just really surprised he hasn't killed anyone yet."

I started laughing at Otto's joke. Geoff was sitting quietly in the passengers seat, playing The Legend Of Zelda on his 3Ds. I was still surprised that he had one of those things. Awsten slammed on the brakes, which caused all of us to go flying forward.

"Geez , what the hell was that for Awsten!"

"You didn't see that? This stupid car just jumped right in front of me without a blinker. I would've crashed into him if I didn't slam on brakes. Man, these people are fucking crazy."

"Yeah, they're the crazy ones." Geoff scoffed.

"Shut up you nerd, and play your DS."

It was quiet until their song "I'm a Natural Blue" came on.

"Oh, what's the name of this amazing hands. You know, these people are really freaking hot, and they are good at what they do." Awsten said.

We all laughed and started singing along.

🎶Break me, cause I'm just not use to digging, deep through all my idols graves. I'm starting to think, this isn't all , this isn't all that it's cracked  up to be🎶

We were screaming the lyrics on the top of our lungs. And to my surprise, Awsten was driving better than before. About five minutes later, we finally arrived at Golden Corral. It was crazy busy in there, but we managed to find a table. We all got our food and sat at a table in the middle of the restaurant. A lot of people were staring at Awsten because of his blue hair. You could here little kids telling their parents that they wanted blue hair. Awsten just laughed quietly to himself when he heard the children.

"Hey mister, your hair looks like a blueberry." This little boy said.

His mom was calling his name, trying to get him to leave us alone, but he wouldn't leave. He was so adorable, and it made me wonder what my kids would look like. No, no, I can't be thinking about having kids already. Otto and I have only been dating for a couple of months.

"Oh, thanks little guy. Your hair looks like, ummm, the night sky."

The kid started giggling, which made all of us laugh. Children's laughter is always contagious. His mom finally got ahold of him, apologized for bothering us, and then went back to their table.

"The night sky Awsten, really." Geoff said.

"What? What did you want me to say? Your hair is as black as my freaking soul."

"No, you're a freaking songwriter. I thought you would find some poetic way to describe his hair."

"Well it usually takes time for me to think of lyrics, and you obviously saw that it took me awhile to come up with that."

We continued eating and watching the people come and leave. We stayed here for about two hours, and then we left to walk around the city. We parked on the side of the street and started our adventure. There was a lot of people here as well. We then noticed these huge lights in the distance. The city was holding their annual thanksgiving fair.

"Do we have enough money to there." I asked.

"Yeah, we can go there. That would be fun." Otto said.

We all walked over to the fair and bought our tickets. I first wanted to go on the Fireball, and then Drop Tower. We all went on so many rides. We were walking to one of the roller coasters, when I saw this huge blue teddy bear.

"Oh my gosh Otto, I have to have it."

He looked at me and then back at the bear.

"Those games are really hard to win jess. None probably won that big bear."

"Please Otto. Just try, I really want that bear." I whined.

"Yeah Otto, get your girl the bear." Awsten laughed.

Otto sighed and went to the booth. The objective of the game was to knock down all of the bottles with one ball.

"Let's go Otto, don't miss the ball dude." Awsten said in a mocking way.

Otto stood there and concentrated on the bottles. He then chucked the ball directly at the pins, and knocked all of th m down. The guy at the booth brought down the blue ready bear and handed it to Otto.

"Yay, thank you Otto." I then gave him a huge kiss on the check.

"Anything for you babe."

"Ewww, enough with the lovey stuff. Let's go on the roller coaster." Awsten yelled.

We all went on the roller coaster, which was amazing. Otto, Geoff, and Awsten were screaming in fear, but I was laughing the whole time.

"You guys are such babies. You whined the whole entire ride."

"No we didn't . That was the people behind us." Awsten said.

"Shut up Awsten. You were almost in tears. I think we might need to go now. It's 11:27 , and Geoff looks like he's going to throw up."

We all look at Geoff, who is currently sitting on the ground.

"I'm fine guys. Trust.. oh no. I'm not fine." He than ran over to the closest trash can and threw up.

"Yep, it's time to go." I said.

We all walked back to the car, and Awsten dropped me and Otto off. We said our goodbyes and went to the apartment.

"It's really late. Are you sure you want to leave early in the morning?" Otto asked. "Did you even pack, cause I know I didn't."

"I already packed for the both of us. And we can leave whenever. Their house is only two hours away. The latest we should leave would be 2 or 3."

With that, we both took our shower and went to bed. I was so nervous for tomorrow. I'm finally going to see my parents. Would they even remember me? Of course they would, I'm their daughter. There's no way they could forget about me. Or could they?

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