Chapter 28

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The rest of the week at my mom's house was amazing. We laughed, cried, and just had the best time of our lives. It was also very nice to see how much she really liked Otto. She would thank him daily for sticking with me, and helping me with all of the stuff I went through. Today was our last day with my mom, and then we would head back to Houston.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I cried, giving my mom a big hug.

"I am too. You two have fun, and don't run off and leave again. I don't know what I would do."

Otto and I laughed and we gave one last goodbye hug. I started to take my luggage to the car, but Otto was still talking to my mom. I saw him take out his phone and type something in. I wonder what they are talking about? He gave her one last hug, and then he walked over with his bag.

"What was that all about?"

"You'll see." Was all he said.

He started the car and backed out of the drive way. My mom stood there, waving goodbye. We passed up all the houses, and all of the familiar scenery. I was leaving this place once again, but I promise that I would visit it every chance I get. We passed by a couple of gas stations, and Otto started playing his favorite song "Da' Dip" by Freak Nasty. He would always play this song over and over. We both started singing along and jamming out. Once the song ended, he played it over again.

"Not again Otto. How can you play this song over and over, and not get tired of it."

"I don't know. It's kinda like how I can look at you over and over, and still love you the same. "

I playfully punched his arm at that comment, even though I was blushing really bad. Otto kept driving, and I realized we turned the opposite direction of going home.

"Where are we going Otto?"


"I know smart-ass. I mean specifically, where are we going?"

"It's a secret."

We stopped at a gas station, and Otto went in and bought some flowers.

"Are these flowers for me?"

"Not exactly, but you can keep a couple of you want."

"Otto wood, what are you up to?"

"You'll see jess, you'll see."

In about ten minutes, we arrived at a cemetery.

"Why the hell are we at a cemetery?"

"Just follow me." He said opening my door and helping me out of the car. He opened the gate and started walking towards the the graves. He looked at each name, and mad a noise of satisfaction when he found the grave he was looking for.

"Here it is. Okay, I know you've been wanting to say goodbye to your dad, so I brought you here. I thought that this could maybe give you some closure with him. I know you won't really be talking to him face to face, but this is the best I could do."

I looked at the grave, and there his name was. Gabriel James Parker. I couldn't believe that I was looking at his actual grave. I walked over to it and sat on the ground next to it. I placed the flowers right next to his tombstone and just stared at it.

"Hey dad." I said, tears were just start to appear. "I know that we didn't get to see each other before you past, and I know  we didn't get to say goodbye, so here it is. I'm sorry for running off. I'm so sorry for leaving you and mom like that. You guys were just trying to protect me, and I totally messed that up. Well, I'm back now, and I have learned my lesson. I should have never left. Maybe if I wouldn't have left, you would still be alive.  Maybe we would have been a happy family. I could sit here and thank of all the things that could have been, but we would be here for a while, and it's pretty cold out her. I'm just sorry that this is the way that we have to say goodbye. Just know that I love you, I truly love you, and I would do anything to bring back time."

I picked myself up from off the ground and walked into Otto's opened arms. Of course I was crying.

"Thank you so much. I really needed this." I whispered.

"Anything for you." He said while kissing my forehead.

We walked back to the car and continued our two hour journey home. All of this crying made me tired, so I slept the whole entire ride.


"How was the trip!" Awsten yelled.

We decided to hang out with him and Geoff.

"It was fun. My mom doesn't hate me, my dad is dead, and Otto knocked the shit out of my ex."

"Wait, wait wait. I'm really sorry for your lost, and Otto punched the shit out of who?"

"My ex. The one who made me the way I am now. We ran into each other at the park, and he started acting like a Dick. Well, Otto got mad and punched him in the jaw. He then sent his goons to chase after us, and we had to run all the way back to my house."

"Damn Otto, good job on sticking up for your girl." Geoff said, giving Otto a pat on the back.

"Yeah bud, good job. You finally stood up for your girl."

We all laughed, thinking about the first time we met.

"Wow, can you believe that it has been 6 months since we met?" Awsten said.

"Wow, it doesn't even feel like six months." Otto added.

"Well, I say this calls for a toast. A toast to being this awesome foursome for six months." Geoff said while getting everyone a cane of beer.

We all got a can and started ringing after we made the toast.

Awsten and Otto occasionally took sips of the beer, but Geoff was already on his second one.

"Slow down before you become drunk Geoff."

"Who says I'm not already drunk?"

"Oh no, let's hope you aren't," Awsten said while taking the beer away from Geoff.

We all just laughed and joked around, until Otto and I became tired. We both were drinking a little, so we decided to just crash at Awsten' place.

"I can blow up the air mattress for you two. Geoff is already asleep on the couch, so just leave him there"

Awsten blew up the blow up and got us pillows and blankets.

"Thanks Awsten, goodnight." I said while giving him a hug.

"Good night Jessica, and Otto. No fucking on the mattress. It might pop."

"Oh trust me, we won't." Otto said.

We both laid down and coupled up with each other. Within minutes, both of us were out like a light.

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