Chapter 17

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"I thought you said the next time we would see each other wouldn't be in this building ." Nurse Cathy said walking into my room.

I just shrugged my shoulders and stared at the tv, which was just showing static. The static seemed to calm me down.

"So, we are back to this spot here. Are you going to cooperate this time, or am I going to have to force you to like last time." She said sitting next to me.

"I'm going to cooperate. Trust me, I don't want to be here, but I promised Otto that I'll get better."

"Oh, so you and that Otto guy is still together. That's great. I feel like he really helped out with you. He must really love you." She smiled.

I returned the smile and continued to look at the tv.

"Sweetie , you do know that there is nothing on the tv, right?"

"Yeah I know. It's just really calming." I responded.

"Ok good. I thought you were really going insane. Well enough being friends, know I have to be your nurse. We are starting with a diet plan. We will be writing down healthy foods that you will be eating in a week. They all have to equal up to one thousand calories, none less. You will start therapy in two days. "

"Why one thousand calories, that's way too much. I'll be fucking 200 pounds."

"One thousand calories is not a lot . The average human is supposed to eat about two thousand calories a day. You are just eating half of that, and you won't get to two hundred pounds, trust me." Cathy said while holding my hand as a gesture to trust her.

I nod my head and laid back into the bed. This bed was ore comfortable then the bed I had last time. Nurse Cathy left the room and then came back with a packet and a person

"Jessica, this is your nutritionist, Samantha. This packet right here is your meal plan. You and Samantha will be filling this out together. You will start this plan tomorrow, which is Wednesday. I'll leave you two to work this out. I'll check on you guys later." Cathy said while walking out my room.

"Okay miss Jessica, lets go ahead and get started on this meal plan. Let's start of with tomorrow. What's something you would want for breakfast. Oatmeal, fruit salad, a smoothie, anything."

I couldn't think of anything I would want, I was drawing a complete blank.

"If you need help, you can go through this chart of good healthy breakfast options." Samantha said while handing me this list.

I looked at the list and there were so many good foods, but they had very high calories. I finally found this Greek yogurt, chocolate, walnut, and wild blueberry parfait. It was about 265 calories, but it seemed really good.

"Okay, now let's pick out something for lunch.

I picked out this creamy fruit salad, which was about 495 calories. I kind of cringe at the point that I'm already at 760 calories already.

"That's good. Only have 240 more calories until we reach our goal. Now what would be for dinner?"

The next thing I found was a skinny lasagna roll which was 240 calories.

"Great. You have your first meal plan figured out for tomorrow.we will do this everyday. It's a good habit to start planning out your meal the day before. When you get out of the hospital. You and I would be meeting every other week and just talk."

"Okay , thanks for everything."

"You're welcome." She smiled and walked out the door.

I turned my attention back to the tv and decided to actually watch something instead of static. I flipped through a few channels until I found a decent channel.  The rest of the day would be boring as always.

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