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Faith's POV

This may sound crazy but I'm friends with One Direction. Yes the British/Irish boy band. Well when I use the word "I" I mean as in Faith Davis. My friends Kya and Skylar went to a One Direction concert with me in 2011 and met them back stage. We became great friends but they have been really busy lately so we haven't talked to them in awhile. Well now it's 2013 and we are waiting to meet the boys. I miss them. They will be here for two days so that's good. They are on their tour so they will be busy. Ok here's our relationship with the boys.


Louis is like my brother. Harry, Liam, and Niall are my best friends and my crush is Zayn. But he has no clue.

Skylar: Niall and Louis are like her brothers. Harry and Zayn are her best friends and Liam is her crush.

Kya: Zayn and Liam act like her brothers, Niall, Harry and Louis are her best friends. She doesn't really have a crush.

So that's the relationships.

And here's what we look like.

Kya has flaming red hair with bright blue eyes. Skylar has blond hair with blue eyes, and I have black hair with blue/ grey eyes.

"They're almost here!" Skylar yelled as she ran into the living room. I can't wait to see Zayn.

Zayn's POV

"Bro don't do that!" Liam yelled at Niall for farting. "It wasn't me, I swear!" Niall replied. "That's what they all say." Harry remarked. "I didn't do it!" Niall yelled. We dropped the conversation. I can't wait to see the girls. We haven't seen them in a long time, since like last year. I can't wait to see Faith, she's so funny and I miss her funny pranks along with her smile. I think that her smile is the nicest because it calms you down and time just stops while you are looking at her. I think she's pretty but I don't know if I want to date her. We are going to ask the girls if they want to come on tour with us. I hope they say yes!

We pulled up in their driveway and I was so anxious to see them. They must have changed a lot because I didn't even notice the girl at the front door.

Wait is that..... Faith?

Faith's POV

We saw a black van pull up in the driveway.


"How do I look?" I asked. "Good, now go!" I walked out of the front door and just stood there waiting for the car to stop.

I saw a familiar face. Wait is that...


It is him! "Zayn!" I yelled and ran towards him. We ran to each other until he was lifting me up in the air, hugging me. "I missed you so much!" He yelled. "I missed you too." I replied.

"Harry!" Kya yelled. "Liam!" Skylar yelled.

I ran over to Louis and gave him a huge hug. "I missed you so much, so much." Louis said choking up. Here comes the water works...

"I missed you too. But you're here now, just in time." I said and hung onto him. It's really hard to be away from your best friends for so long. I hugged and greeted the rest of the boys and we went inside. "Food!" Niall yelled and ran to the kitchen. We had gotten so much food, I can't even explain the bill.

"This is delicious." Niall said eating a bag of Fritos. "Thanks lets just say I made them." I said and we all laughed.

Zayn's POV

"Thanks lets just say I made them." Faith said and we all laughed. That's what I missed about her. Her jokes, her attitude, stuff like that. Then she put on a big smile. I got a tingly feeling inside.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Am I falling for Faith? I mean yeah... I am. I can't! She's gorgeous! Why would she date me?

My thoughts were broke by Louis screaming, "MOVIE TIME!"

He turned on this weird movie. It was a scary movie of course, like always. The girls are complete chickens when it comes to scary movies. I was sitting by Louis and Faith, why Faith? If I get scared maybe she won't like me. Oh well I won't let my fear show then... well at least I'll try.

The movie was turned on and we started watching it.

Faith's POV

Louis turned on the movie and now it is dark outside so this will be fun... not. It's some movie about friends that get stuck in some haunted/ possessed house. It sounds stupid, how bad can it be?


Ok we are in the middle of the movie and it is jacked up! I can't believe we put it on! It's horrible!

All the sudden the screen went black. "Ahhhh!" we screamed as a freaky possessed dead girl came on the screen. We screamed and yelled pretty much the whole movie.

It showed the whole house and the scenery behind it. It zoomed in on a window with a little girl who was apparently dead looking right at the screen.

That's not creepy at all.....

"Come play with me." She said in a creepy voice and then her head popped off and blood shot everywhere. "Ahhhhhhh!" I jumped out off the couch and spilled some popcorn. "Oops" I said. "We'll clean it up tomorrow." Zayn said and I sat back down. Soon after the movie was over.

We were all frozen with fear....

"Zayn can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked him. "Sure." and we walked to his guest bedroom. Yeah we have a pretty big house, just saying. "Let me go change my shirt." I said and was on my way out but was stopped by Zayn's hand. "You can borrow one of mine." He said. "Ok." I said and went to the bathroom to change. I came back out in the shirt and I had my PJ pants on. "You could've changed out here. I wouldn't have looked." Zayn said as I lied in bed with him. "I'm fat. I don't want anyone seeing me. I'm just plain out ugly." I replied. "Stop it! You are not fat! You are the prettiest girl in the world! Don't ever say you're ugly because that would be a lie." Zayn demanded.

Wow no one has ever said that to me, ever.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed the way you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell you don't know oh oh you don't know you're beautiful oh oh, that's what makes you beautiful." Zayn sang softly. He sang the song softly and the next thing I knew I was asleep in his arms.

Zayn's POV

After the movie we were all scared as hell. I hated it. Faith clung on to me the whole time. She was really freaked out, I could tell. She tried to act all cool but she was really scared. "Zayn can I sleep with you tonight?" Faith asked me. "Sure." I replied and we went into my guest room

"Let me go change my shirt.'' she said. She doesn't need to go all the way upstairs, I have some shirts. I grabbed her hand just on her way out. "You can borrow one of mine." I told her. "Ok." She said and went into the bathroom. She is so gorgeous. I'm really falling for her, fast. She could've changed out here. I was broke from my thoughts by her coming out. "You could've changed out here. I wouldn't have looked." I said as she lied in bed with me. "I'm fat. I don't want anyone seeing me. I'm just plain out ugly." She said.


"Stop it! You are not fat! You are the prettiest girl in the world! Don't ever say you're ugly because that would be a lie." I replied. How could she not know she's beautiful? Now I know what to do.

I sang "What Makes You Beautiful." to her. I was in the middle of the song when I looked down and saw her asleep. She looked so peaceful, so calm. She is so cute when she sleeps.

Zayn! Get it together!

I laid sideways so that my stomach was on her back. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her arm. Then everything went black as I drifted off to sleep.

Thank you for reading this so far! Keep reading. Next chapters coming soon! Thank you!

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