Chapter 12

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Zayn's POV

I still can't believe they're gone. I miss Faith already. These five months will be miserable, but we get to see them a few times atleast. Skylar is like my sister so I miss her a ton! I miss Kya too. She is like my sissy too.

We were on the plane and right now An it is ten in the morning. I wonder what the girls are doing in England right now? "You ok?" asked me. "Yeah. I'm worried about them. I miss Faith..." I said. I want to cry. I'm a man but oh god this just really hits me. "I know how you feel. I miss Skylar so much, I miss all the girls. But we all can get through this... I know we can because we've done this before. Look at the good side. We know they're safe and they have food, drinks, a nice new house, plus friends and family. They have our family, yours, mine, Harry's, and Lou's. They have the highest security system in the country. Zayn, I think they're okay." Liam replied and patted my back. "Thanks Li Li." I said. "Welcome buddy, anytime."

I wish I was there with her right now. I wish I could hold her in my arms while she sleeps, I want to kiss every inch of her body, I want her sweet, soft lips pressed against mine, I just really want her with me but I can only imagine us right now. I need to focus on the lads.., I mean this is my job and they're my brothers. They need me and I need them. I just need to focus on our work but still think about Faith I mean she IS my girlfriend and I love her but this is our tour and I love it. I need to enjoy it while I'm here because It's a great experience and I love it. I am enjoying it right now just that I miss Faith and the girls. I decided to sleep and all I dreamed about was Faith.

Faith's POV

Well the boys are gone. I can't believe It. I miss Zayn so much right now I would fly eleven planes to see him.

Now I'm unpacking my things at my new house in London. It is amazing here! Everything is so beautiful! Anyways I love my new house! I painted the kitchen light blue, my room baby pink, my living space red and white, the four guest rooms light green and the bathrooms cream color. So yeah kind of a odd house but I love it. I think It all looks so good! They did an amazing job! All my furniture is moved in and I'm unpacking my clothes and other things for my room. Skylar and Kya are at their houses doing the same. Zayn gave me some money before he left. I kept saying no but he made me take it. I love him so much. I miss him. He's probably still on his plane. It's 5:30 at night already. I'm going to have to get used to this. I moved everything out of my house in Florida and sold it. So did Kya and Skylar. Speaking of them I need to call them. So I got my phone and called Sky.

"Hey Faithy." She said. "Hi. How yah doin?" I asked. "Good a little sad but okay. I miss the boys. Oh by the way I'm done unpacking everything so I'll be over in twenty minutes." She said. "I miss them too. I wish they were her right now. I really can't take this." I said and began to cry. "Hey don't cry. They're safe. They have high ranking security and they have food, drinks, friends which are kind of like their family now since they are with each other constantly. Just think they are doing this because they love their fans and they enjoy what they do. They will be on interviews, talk shows, radio shows, award shows, TV commercials, releasing their new movie, their new perfume, their concerts, their new album, and they will Skype, call, and text us. Don't worry sweet cakes! They're fine!" Skylar responded. "Thanks. See yah in a bit. Bye." I said and hung up the phone. Tomorrow night I'm having Tricia, Waliyha, Safaa, Doniya, Yaser, Skylar, Kya, Karen, Geoff, Eleanor, Felicity, Daisy, Charlotte, Phoebe, Gemma,  Robin and Ann over tomorrow for a dinner. I'm so nervous to meet Zayn's family but they seem so nice! Then there was a knock at my door.

"SKYLAR'S HERE MY DEAR!" She yelled. She's an odd one.

Kya's POV

I was having flashbacks of the night before when Harry was with me.

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