Chapter 15

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Faith's POV

I have a busy week ahead of me.

This morning I'm going shopping with Patricia, Doniya, Waliyha, and Safaa. Tonight I'm going to the club with Kya, Skylar, Gemma, Doniya and Eleanor. Tomorrow Kya, Skylar, and I are going to be on the Ellen show. The next day we have a free day.

So I got up and showered. When I was dressed I went downstairs I Skyped Zayn. "Hello beautiful!" Zayn said with that cute smile he puts on when he flirts. He is so sweet. I love him.

"Hey baby. I miss you." I said. "I miss you too. My mum Facetimed me last night and said she had a great time. She really likes you Faith, so does Waliyha, Safaa, Doniya, and my dad." Zayn says. "Aww! That's so sweet! I'm actually going shopping with her soon. We had a great time last night and everyone got along so well." I replied. "Oh shopping... don't spend all of the money on that black card I gave you." Zayn said giggling. "I won't I swear." then the boys came in and yelled hi at me. "Hi boys! I miss you!" I exclaimed with my bottom lip sticking out. "We miss you too Faithy!" Niall remarked. "So how's tour?" I asked. "Great! We have terrific fans. I got a scrap book from a fan that has all of our big moments on it. They have been making it since we started our career!" says Harry. "Oh that's so cool! I'm so happy for you guys!" I said happily. "Best Song Ever Music video is coming out soon." "Did everything go okay with our families?" Liam asked. "Yes! All of your families are amazingly sweet! I'm going shopping with Zayn's sisters and his mom this morning then tonight I'm going to the club with El, Sky, Kya, and Gemma!" I said excitedly. "Oh great! Um are you going to be home on July 12?" Louis asked and Niall giggled. "Yeah.... why?" I replied and Niall's face turned red, he couldn't hold his laughing in anymore. "JUST WONDERING!!!" Zayn said and put his hand on Niall's mouth as Niall laughed his head off.

I was thinking inside my head, "What are they hiding?" but I didn't say anything out loud. "Okay well I have to go babe. I love you so much." I said. "I love you too. Bye!" Zayn said and I blew him a kiss. "BYYYYYYEEE!" The boys yelled then they went off. I went up to my room to make some last minute changes to my outfit. As I was walking down there was a knock at my door. I opened it up to see Andy from Ellen! OMG! He had a hatcam on! I'm being filmed!

"WOULD YOU LIKE SOME CANDY?!" He asked and put on a scary/hilarious face. "Hey! I know you! You're Andy from Ellen!" I yelled. "Crap!" He said. "I caught yah in the act didn't I?" I asked. "Yep." He replied.

Zayn's POV

After we were done Skyping Faith we all let out a sigh of relief. "NIALL!" We all yelled. "I'm sorry!" He pleaded. "TRY TO CONTAIN YOURSELF NEXT TIME!" Louis snapped. Harry just sat there laughing. "I'm sorry!" Niall apologized. "It's fine buddy just keep working on it." Liam said and patted his back. "Oh hey guys I need to tell you something.... I told Skylar we're coming in two weeks..." I exclaimed. "YOU WHAT!? YOU TOLD HER?! AND ANYWAYS IT'S NOT IN TWO WEEKS, IT'S IN TWO DAYS!" Harry screamed at me. "YOU IDIOT!" Louis yelled. "I'll just text Skylar then." I said and pulled out my phone. "ARE YOU STUPID?! WHAT IF THE GIRLS ARE THERE?! THEY'LL READ HER PHONE! ESPICIALLY KYA!" Liam said then like jumped on me to pull away my phone. "OK! TAKE A CHILL DRUG!" I yelled and put my phone away. "Well call her!" says Niall. "Oh.. I thought I was going to get handcuffed if I talked about them again." I said. They me off sometimes. We're like brothers I swear.

So I called Skylar and told her everything that happened. She hung up, then I got a Facetime request from one of my sisters, Safaa.

"Ello sissy!" I said. "Hey bub!" says Safaa. " How's home?" I asked. "Good. We're about to go shopping with Faith." She said. "She told me all about it. I'm so happy you girls get along so well." I remarked. "Yeah! Faith's really cool. She's so sweet too. Zayn... you picked a really good one this time." Saffa said. "Thanks sis." then Harry jumped on me, knocking me over. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I screamed at him. Safaa was laughing her head off. "WE HAVE A HOTEL ROOM INTERVIEW IN TEN MINUTES! THEM MANAGEMENT PEOPLE DIDN'T TELL US!" Harry screamed acting ghetto, panicking. "Safaa! I have to go! Luv yah! Bye!" I said quickly and got off.

Lou quickly did my hair and I got dressed. Seriously. They had to tell us this late! Anyways the interview began.

Kya's POV

Wow today has been really fun. I went shopping with Anne and Gemma, then we went out to lunch and we got our nails done. FUN DAY!

So yeah today has been terrific. Faith went shopping with Zayn's mom and sisters. Skylar went shopping with Ruth, Nicola, and Karen. So we've had a terrific day!

I can't wait to go out. Just a girls night out. I like going out with the boys but ever since Faith started dating Zayn, Skylar started dating Liam, and I started dating Harry, we haven't been given time to hang out. So this will be nice just going out to the club with Faith, Skylar, Doniya, and Gemma. Gemma is like my sister already which is weird because I just met her yesterday and Harry and I've only been dating for two months......

Okay never mind.

I was getting ready for the club when there was a knock on my door. I opened it and some man with shorts on was standing there. He looked familiar. "HELLO! WOULD YOU LIKE SOME CANDY?!" He screamed. Oh my gosh what if he put some kind of drug in it?

"Um I'm okay thank you...." I started but then he came up really close to me. "BUT IT'S CANDYYY!!!" He screamed. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PERV! YAH JACKASS!" I screamed and slammed the door. Ok this is really weird.

Skylar's POV

Some guy came up to my door with candy. "WOULD YOU LIKE SOME CANDY?!" He screamed and made a scary face. "OOOOO! What kind do you have?" I asked. I know who It is. It's Andy from Ellen. I'm just playing along with my brilliant acting skills. "Gummy Bears and Crappy Patties!" he said. "Do you mean Crabby Patties?" I asked. "YESSS!" Okay this guy is weird.

"Come on in!" I said. He started laughing. He's a terrible actor. "Ok here you go." He said and handed me the candy. I saw the "Ellen" stickers on them. "So what do you do for a living?" I asked. "I work at... a bakery." He said. "But you're selling candy?" I asked. "YES!" he replied and ran out of my house.

What an idiot.

After a bit of fixing up myself we were ready to go to the club. I'M SO EXITED! The girls pulled up in my driveway and we left. When I got into the car El yelled, "WE'RE FREE!"

We laughed at her.

"So who is gonna party hard tonight?" Doniya asked. We all wooped and hollered. "Well then! Lets have some fun!" Doniya yelled and we cheered. "So where are we off to first?" I asked. "WE are going to Selena Gomez's house party!" Eleanor yelled in excitement.


"Th. the Selena. Go. Go. Gomez?" Kya stuttered. "YES!" El screamed and she fainted on me. I fanned my hand over her face, trying to get her to wake up. "WAKE UPPPPP!!!" Faith bloody screamed in her ear. Kya got up and bumped her head in the hood. "OW! That hurt!" Kya yelled. "Okay so be cool. Just act like they're one of your friends or someone..... with a normal job." El said. "Okay. We've got this!" I said acting cool.

But when we got there everything went downhill.

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