Chapter 19

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Kya's POV

Last night when we got home there was quietness. I think it was because we won't see the boys for five months. I'm really gonna miss Harry. Faith has been getting hate a lot lately so this has been hard for her. I hope everything turns out the same with us. I have been crying a lot because of this. I just think everything is falling apart. I'm feeling the same. This just is so weird because there is always something inside of me that is happy. But I'm sad, bored, depressed. I just don't feel anything like feeling wise. Well this has absolutely been the worse break the boys have had.

"Kya?" Says Harry, breaking me from my thoughts. "Yeah babe?" I asked. "I will call you, text, FaceTime, Skype, whatever as long as I can hear your lovely voice. I love you so much. Never forget that. I want to come back to the girl who loves me and no one else." He said and kissed my neck giving me goose bumps. "I will still be the same. Maybe a different hair color, or tanner, or new makeup..." I said giggling and I pecked his lips and we walked out hand in hand.

Zayn's POV

"I promise!" I said as Faith kept asking me if I would call every time I ha the chance. "Ok baby. I love you so much." She said and gave me a big, nice, sweet kiss as we headed for the exit of the airport. "Be safe while you travel." I yelled to her. "I will! Remember Sky and Kya will be with me!" She replied and laughed. "Tell Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael that I love them!" Faith exclaimed. "We will! Bye loves!" Says Louis. "Bye!!!!!" Skylar, Kya, and Faith yelled and we replied by saying good byes too. I blew a kiss to Faith and she caught it and put it on her heart. It's kinda something we do whenever we leave. Then we walked out if the airport and got onto the plane. Wow. I feel terrible leaving them. But this, this is my job, my dream and I need to live it. I won't forget about Faith though. "Hey bro." Harry remarked as he sat by me. "Hey. You okay?" I asked seeing the look on his face. It looked worried, mad, upset, just mixed up. "Yeah. It's Kya. She hasn't been the same. It's almost like she lost herself and she hasn't come back." Harry said and pulled his finger through his hair, meaning he is stressed. "Well try and get some sleep. Maybe you'll feel better about

her." I said and we both fell asleep.

Skylar's POV

After the boys left we went home and packed our stuff. We're going to Florida for two weeks. We are bringing Louis' family with us. So Lottie, Fizzy, Johanna, Daisy, and Phoebe. Total girls party. We will probably do something crazy like dye our hair crazy colors... we should really do that! Well it's time to leave. I have all my stuff packed. Wow. That didn't take much time at all.

So I got my four suitcases and squeezed them into my car. I got in and called Faith to tell her I was done. "Hello Gy Gy!" Faith yelled through the phone happily. "Hey! Are you ready yet?" I asked. "Yeah. Hold on. I have to go, the girls are here." She said. "Okay I'm leaving the house right now. Bye!" I said. "BYE!" Faith screamed which scared me. Oh my gosh she sounded like Louis screamig... I miss him. So as I pulled out of the driveway and left. I have barely spend any time at my new house. So after the ten minute drive I arrived at her house and surely the girls were there. Johanna was trying to help Lottie get her last one out of 7 suitcases into the trunk while yelling at Fizzy to come help, Daisy and Phoebe were in the front seat putting something's in the front and I could see Kya and Faith in the kitchen window stuffing theirselves with food before the plane ride. "FAMIY!" I screamed and Fizzy, Lottie, Daisy, and Phoebe ran to me with a hug. "Ok hurry up so we can get going. We don't want to miss our flight." I said.

After twenty minutes we finally got Lottie's suitcase in, Johanna got sick because of the new baby on the way, Kya and Faith ate more food, and Phoebe, Daisy, and I Skyped Louis.

"Let's go!" Daisy yelled and yanked my hand. I drove a big black car which is odd for me because I always drive little cars so I was a bit scared. "Let's listen to "Take Me Home!" Fizzy yelled. So I turned it on and we sang the whole way.

Lottie's POV

I pulled out my phone as Faith sang. I video taped her singing Zayn's part in "Live While We're Young" She acted like a complete geek. I posted It on my Instagram and giggled. She will never find out... wait. Oh no she will! She's following me! Shit. Oh well. She can deal with it because she sang good but she had a little freak out thing. She was like, "OH MY GOD! MY BOYFRIENDS ON THE RADIO!" And she danced really weird with a geeky expression on her face. Ha, this is going to kill me. SHE'S going to kill me. I got a text from my ex-boyfriend but I just ignored it. I hate him. He cheated and now wants me back. No. He had his chance.

We arrived at the airport and got into our plain. Flight 93 Miami, Florida. We took our seats in First Class and put our carry on stuff above us. Then the plane took off. Fizzy, Faith and I sat by each other, Daisy, Phoebe and Mum sat by each other, Skylar and Kya sat by each other with some other woman wearing a business suit. "You tired Lottie?" Faith asked. I really am. From all the packing and working out for the fitness test at school. "Yeah." I replied rubbing my eyes. "Here you lay your head on my shoulder if you would like." Faith says. "Ok thanks love." I said and put my head on her shoulder. Faith is so sweet. She Is like another sister to me and trust me my real ones can get quite annoying so it's nice to talk to Eleanor, Skylar, Kya and Faith about boys or drama going on.

Then I fell asleep.

Harry's POV

I wonder how Kya is. I miss her so much. I wish I could talk to Gemma right now and ask her what's wrong with Kya cause she knows about girl things. Maybe she's on her period. I don't know. "Come on Haz." Louis says and pats my back with a slight smile. We got onto the stage and the crowd roared. "HELLO PIQUA! IT IS SO GREAT TO BE IN A SMALL TOWN! ARE YOU READY?!" Liam yelled into the mic. We are in Piqua, Ohio, USA. Wow this is a real small place. The crowd screamed as we began singing. After a few songs we let the boys (5sos) do a couple songs with us. We have a long day tomorrow. It will be July 11. We are working on "Best Song Ever" music video. FUN! I love making videos.


"Ok boys get some rest." Paul said as we got onto the bus. "Night!" Niall yelled and his curtain closed. Zayn's already asleep. "Bed time for me." Louis sang as a camera followed him. "Goodnight." I replied and closed my eyes. I had a dream that Kya was lying on the ground, screaming in pain, holding her stomach, pale and had a bleeding. I wanted to run to her but I was caught on something. An angel was holding my arms back. "Let her go son. She has to do it."

I woke up sweaty and breathing hard. I couldn't catch my breath. I thought in my mind, "What does she have to do? She was lying on the ground hurting!" But I laid back down and slept while I have time.

Johanna's POV

I want to get off this bloody plane. I have puked three times. Oh my gosh. "Passengers we are about to land." The flight attendant said. "Thank God." I said. "It's about time!" Faith yelled up to the flight attendant. Daisy, Phoebe, and I giggled as the lady looked at her with a "weirdo" expression. So when we landed we got out and spells the Florida air. "Ahh... HOME!" Skylar yelled inhaling the nice, cool air. It was sort of hot but a nice cool breeze was flowing. "Okay let's get the car!" Daisy and Phoebe yelled and yanked Skylar's hand. I love Faith's hair so much. It looks so pretty with the wind patting it. We put our luggage In the big, black vans trunk and hopped in. "Wooooo!" Fizzy yelled as we pulled out. The palm trees were swaying and the water rippling, I love Miami. The girls sold their houses so we are staying in a rental condo. I'm so happy that they invite us along. "Hey stop at Marco's!" Skylar yelled. So we pulled into a shop. We went in and saw a guy who looked like he's a surfer. "GIRLS!" He yelled and hugged Skylar, Kya and Faith. "And who are these beautiful chicas?" He asked. He's Australian. "This is Fizzy, Lottie, Daisy, Phoebe, and their mom, Johanna. This is Louis' family." Says Faith. "Oh my! It's such a pleasure to meet you." Marco said. "It's nice to meet you too. And thank you." I remarked. "Well we have to go now, we just wanted to say hi." Kya said and hugged him once again. "Well bye! Nice meeting you!" He yelled as we walked out. "Bye!" We yelled and got back into the car. We arrived at the condo a few minutes later and go unpacked. "Let's go swimming!" Phoebe suggested. "Let's go then! Get on your swimsuits then meet us in the living room." Skylar said and we all changed. For the rest of the night we swam, talked about the boys, and made a little fire on the beach while eating chips. When we were done we were all tired. I tucked Phoebe and Daisy into bed and said good night to Sky, Kya, Faithy, Fizzy, and Lottie. Skylar and Faith stayed up a bit with me and we watched old Elvis Presley movies. "I'm going to bed now. Night girls. Don't stay up to late." I said. "We won't mum!" Says Faith and I giggled. "Ok night night." I said and walked to my room. I was looking at the pictures I had taken on my phone when I fell asleep.

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