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Hey guys here's chapter two. Enjoy:)

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Ingrid led Hiccup and Toothless out of the forest in a perilous walk.

Up ahead lays the outskirts of the village, accessed through a gnarly but sturdy wooden bridge.

Hiccup watched his step, careful to not fall down into the river below.

He had to admit, Edon really had a breathtaking view. In a way, the view almost reminded him of home, except this was probably better than home.

Toothless crooned happily as he watched fishes swam freely in the stream.

For a bridge ready to collapse, it was amazing how it could hold two normal size humans and one overgrown reptile.

The Night Fury leaned over the bridge, smacking his lips. Unaware, his weight made the bridge shook slightly.

Hiccup let out a yelp as he tugged onto the ropes supporting them.

"Whoa! Toothless, what are you-''

Oblivious to his human's calls, Toothless leaned forward, almost tipping them over.

Ingrid yelped as she clung onto the ropes tightly.

Nobody in her village knew it, but ever since she was a young girl, she has been afraid of water.

The thought of drowning deep to a bottomless ocean really send shivers down her spine.

Then flashbacks of herself as a six-year-old flooded through her mind.

Ingrid shook her head, erasing the horrid memory she hope to never return.

Glancing at the cold dark waters below, she swallowed a nervous lump in her throat. Her mouth tasted dry, and she realise she was parched.

The sooner they get back to her village, the sooner she can get something to drink.

Suddenly the bridge gave a loud shriek as Toothless leaned further and further.

His one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six pound body was too heavy for the bridge to support.

With the fishes in focus, the dark dragon ignored the humans' panicked cries. He opened his jaws as a fish quickly swam closer.

Just a little closer and he could catch it.

"Toothless, stop!" Hiccup released himself from the ropes. Quickly, he grasp onto his dragon, tugging him away from the edge.

He peered over the bridge, swallowing nervously.

The last thing he wanted was to fall in ice cold water.

"Looks like your dragon is hungry," Ingrid points out to the Night Fury's craving, "But I promise you. There are so many fishes back in the village. Salmon, cods, trouts, you name it. But for Thor sake, can we move along?!"

There was a shrill of panic in her voice as she found herself slipping.

Her palms were already sweaty, and it didn't help that they were surrounded by water below.

There was a sudden creak, followed by the snapping of rope.

Hiccup gasped as he found the rope slowly ripping apart. He doubts the bridge wouldn't hold them much longer.

"Toothless!" he screamed, water spitting to his face, "We'll get you a nice decent fish! I promise! Just-''

There was a loud rip as both dragon and humans felt gravity slowly separating.

No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now