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Hey guys here's chapter six. This chapter is kinda a filler chapter to show how Berk has progressed in two years. So enjoy :)

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Astrid eyed her opponent, shield held high and axe grasp firmly in her hand.

A look of determination cast over her face.

Her opponent, Snotlout grasped onto his sword, his own weapon of choice.

Of course like any brave Viking warrior, he wielded a shield ornate in a black and white design.

Astrid's shield had a simple turquoise and beige design. Simple, yet quite an attractive shield to use in battle.

Astrid cast her eyes onto her opponent, who was grinning with boastful confidence.

A wink from the dark haired boy made her groan.

In the span of two years, Berk had made some rapid changes.

Because the wretched Dragon Queen was defeated, Berk's frequent raids cease to occur.

Word about a young Viking defeating the Dragon Queen had spread across the Archipelago.

Yet, no one on Berk knew who he was. However, they were ever so grateful for his deed.

After three hundred years, the war between Vikings and dragons was over.

Now that the raids stopped, the dragons that used to overpopulate Berk had flown elsewhere, leaving only the dragons used for dragon training.

Although the dragons no longer attacked, it didn't mean Berk shouldn't be cautious.

Surrounded by hostile Viking tribes, there was a possibility any one of them could attack.

So it was better to be prepared.

Ever since the war had ended, Berk had been quiet. Too quiet.

Good entertainment hadn't been well known on Berk. It had always been a place to kill or be killed.

The Chief decided the village of Berk would hold tournaments where young Vikings battled against each other.

A way to prove their worth to their clans.

It had evolved to a sport, and the village loved it.

Sometimes the dragons used for dragon training would be included.

Indeed, vicious dragon fights were dangerous, injuring Vikings. But getting a wound really was a badge of honour.

The whole village gathered around the arena for the afternoon tournament.

All were rooting for the best fighter to take home glory. Most of them knew how much of a strong, skilled fighter Astrid really was.

Hel, she's won countless titles previously.

Both opponents slowly circled one another, anticipating the elder to blow the horn, commencing the tournament.

Up in his grand Chief throne, Stoick cast his eyes to the young fighters.

He stroked his thick red beard, debating which fighter would win this afternoon's title.

They were both incredible fighters.

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