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Hey guys, just as I promised; a new chapter. This is probably my longest chapter and I hope you enjoy it. I enjoy writing this chapter.



Btw I uploaded a httyd edit of mine above

Valka couldn't bring herself to look at Stoick.

Seventeen years was a very long time. Seventeen years felt like felt like it had been forever since she had seen him.

She still remembers the night, that fateful night when she was taken by Cloudjumper.

She still remembers the hurt, bewildered look on Stoick's face as he watched his beloved got ripped out of his life. Perhaps never to see her again.

Valka thought she'd never see him again.

Funny how finding her son here would lead her right to Stoick. Here they were, gazing into each other with a hint of familiarity in their eyes.

They were a few paces apart, yet seeing each other once again did felt surreal.

Valka's heart was racing. Her thoughts spun out of control.

Should she stay and tell Stoick the truth for being gone all these years? Should she grab her son and leave while there's still the chance?

If she leaves, then Stoick will never know what happened.

After all, he deserved an explanation.

"Stoick..." Valka slowly raised her head, meeting his gaze, "It's been years. You probably didn't expect me to be here,"

Stoick nodded, but he remained silent. A stoic expression compressed over his face.

Silence fell in the crowd.

Bewildered, yet stunned looks exchanged everyone's faces. Nobody said a word until-

"Stoick! I heard the horn blew," Gobber came rushing through the crowd, "What happened? Are we attacked by outcasts or...?"

Stoick shot his best friend a murderous glare.

Clearly, he was annoyed of his best friend interrupting such a momentous occasion.

Realising what he did, Gobber quickly fell silent.

"That Gobber," Stoick muttered, annoyed. "Always disrupting moments,"

Valka gave a small nod.

"Stoick, I know I have some explaining to do," she began, "Please, hear me out. I didn't mean to hurt you for leaving you alone. I didn't mean to abandon our son so you had to raise him on your own. I..."

Valka drew a breath. A look of guilt crossed over her face.

"I...I made a terrible mistake," she lowered her head in shame, "but leaving was for the better. Believe me. I knew I couldn't stay. I knew I couldn't stand the fighting. I've tried to convince you all to stop the fighting, but nobody listened. So it had been better if I left,"

Valka looked at Stoick, expecting him to say something. Again, silence was his own response.

"I actually planned on coming back sooner," Valka went on, "but I was too afraid; afraid you wouldn't forgive me for what I did. I was afraid...afraid how you would react, Stoick,"

She waited for Stoick to respond. Nothing seems to come out of the man's mouth.

The two men who restrained Hiccup loosen their grips. They were too focused on the reunion between the Berkian Chief and his wife to bother with the young Viking.

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